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Blue~Chan: Hey! :3
Everyone: Sup!
Blue~Chan: lets start the game *clasp her hand and look down*
Blueberry: Hey Human! (Imma gonna be as skele or human?) Whats wrong?
Blue~Chan: *sigh* its nothing Blueberry.
Blueberry: Are you sure human?
Blue~Chan: Y-yeah I'm fine... *tears falling* i... I need to rest so i gotta go..
*walk up stairs*
Blueberry: Whats happen? *look at the sanses with worried expression*
Everyone: *shrug and look at each other*
Error: WhEre's Pj, PalETTe, GoTh AnD
INk? *look at Blue's door, hearing sobbing and whining*
Error: HeY BluE? HavE yOu SeEn InK AnD thE OtheRS? *open the door*
Blue~Chan: T-they were from Scarlet's *sob* h-house... *sob* doing s-some prank... *sob*
Error: OH oKaY tHaNK... *close the door*
Error: Lets gO tO ScaRlet's HOusE... *open the portal*
<Everyone go into the portal, leave Blue behind>

~At Scarlet's house at the same time~

Awaken: Aaand... Done!
Pj: Whew thats was fun
Goth: I think i sense someone's presence...
Ink: We gotta hide!
<Ink hide inside the closet, Palette hide under the bed, Goth hide under the table, Pj and Awaken hide at the small empty room>
Awaken: Why did we choose this spot?! *whisper yell to Pj*
Pj: *sigh* idk

 Ink: We gotta hide!<Ink hide inside the closet, Palette hide under the bed, Goth hide under the table, Pj and Awaken hide at the small empty room>Awaken: Why did we choose this spot?! *whisper yell to Pj*Pj: *sigh* idk

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Pj: *smirk and lean on Awaken*
Awaken: *blushing af* (in mind: WTF WITH THE DARE?!?!)

<They kiss while someone open the door where they hide>

Ink: OH MEH GAWD! *yell when he saw them kissing*
Everyone: Aaaaw
Awaken & Pj: *blushing mess*
Scarlet: WTF IS GOING ON HERE?! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY HOUSE?!? *yell when she came in and slam the door close*
Everyone: *gulp and jump onto the portal*
Scarlet: I WILL KILL YOU WHEN I SEE YOU OKEH?! *glare at the portal*
Everyone: *nod*
Scarlet: GOOD! NOW BYE!
Hey guys, Dont ask me why i was crying. Because i was depressed by my mother who want ME to continue ballet but i want to quit cuz it's too old for me. I ask her if I could quit but she's just... Always say no... I always hate ballets and i was very depressed and trying to put a smile on my face but i cant... So good bye and i will update it again and don't ever think that I wouldn't update this bai ;3;

ASK AND DARE THE SANSES [Discontinued]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora