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YO EM BACK lol it's only like 3 days...
Thx for the support :3 anyways... I draw my oc and my oc is a skeleton (i choose it :P) here its very ugly

Ik it's very different from the a/n so welp i change it and no tattoos like Ink :3 also the colors is Sapphire! so welp thank you guys i was crying for real cuz you guys support ;3That's all ask and dare are still continue!!!! :)

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Ik it's very different from the a/n so welp i change it and no tattoos like Ink :3 also the colors is Sapphire! so welp thank you guys i was crying for real cuz you guys support ;3
That's all ask and dare are still continue!!!! :)

ASK AND DARE THE SANSES [Discontinued]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora