Markie is not a baby

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Horror: Yeah! It'll be fun! *cross his arm and smirk*

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Horror: Yeah! It'll be fun! *cross his arm and smirk*

NM: *sigh* fine... *whisper to Horror* Blue.

Horror: *smirk and nod* Lets go.

Blue: *humming drop pop candy*

Horror: Hey Blue.

Blue: Yeah?

Horror: Suprise~ *throw the fake blood at Blue*

Blue: Hmmmm... Its my turn~ *holding a knife*

Horror: F*ck! Run! *run away*

Blue: Hah! Gotcha! This is not a real knife. Its a toy knife. *tongue out*


Alter: I feel a little bit sad but i feel happy if she grow up like a lady

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Alter: I feel a little bit sad but i feel happy if she grow up like a lady.

Blue: Actually... Markie is not a baby. He's already grown up. Fast. I know. He is in-

Markie: Hey sis!

Blue: Oh hey Mark! *hug Markie* tell them how old are ya.

Mark: I'm 6 years old now! *giggle*

Blue: How's school?

Markie: It was fun! Where's big bro?

Blue: Making tacos. Call him.

Markie: Yay! I love tacos! BIG BRO!!!!!

Blue: Heh, he look cute right?

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