Chapter Eighty Four~Slow Down

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"Yeah. And I have a question. Did you have sex with Lamar..?"

A little suspicious, I say. "Yeah, why?"

She chuckles. "Well I think our taste in men are the same and him used to be a couple too. He was actually my first ever first everything actually.."

"So your saying that he toke your--"


"Oh my god Bri, I'm sorry"

"What are you sorry for? He's history to me now since I have Jacob. But I just wanted to know out of curiosity"

"But now I feel weird. Knowing that he toke my sister's virginity..."

"So what, you don't like him anymore?"

"I don't know. I think I just wanna be alone for a while anyways. So either way, I'm a stop our little....romance"

"Damn playa" She laughs.

"Don't hate the player hate the game" I laugh, crossing my legs and putting the hit up to my lips.

*2 days later*🕞✨✨

Watching Tv in the employee lounge, I watch the door open next to me. In came in Lamar, coming right up to me in a rush.

"Hey whats up with you?"

"Nothing..." I say flatly, not looking up to him.

"So why haven't you been returning my calls or texts?"

"I was taking time out for myself and by doing so....I didn't talk to anyone but my family. Sorry"


"But Lamar, I think we should stop.....being what we are anyways"

"Can I ask why?"

"Well its because I just wanna slow down with my relationships now. And also because you fucked my sister" I finally look up at him.

"But me and Bri history, we both den moved on to other people"

"I know but still. Why would I sleep with a guy my sister has slept with. And even though we did have sex on my birthday, I just wanna keep it at that"

"Wow. I feel like you just used me"

"Lamar I'm not ususing you okay, I love our friendship...and I loved that night we had too. You let me have fun again, since my life beforehand was a stressful train wreck. I'm sorry that I don't wanna take things seriously with us....but I need some time to myself okay. I'm really sorry" I say, now holding his hands after getting up.

He sighs. "Aight yo. I'll just see you around then"

Previously on The Unknown Daughter, Brandi finally found her dad and has started bonding with her now family. But it wasn't all peaches and cream at first, Brandi messed up a few things at the office and went on a flirting spree with both of her sister's boyfriends at the same time.

But it wasn't the 'real her' up there, since she didn't take her meds correctly those days. And thats how things even got more tense after Brianna had seen her and Jacob flirting. Long story short, she had enough and popped off, with almost popping off Brandi's head at dinner.

Yep. She pulled a gun on her in front of everyrone. But after the incident, Brandi's mind set had changed. Not only did she wanna get on her sister's good side again but she just wanted to focus on her for a little while.

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