Everyone started packing. Jason helped pack for the Twins, Megan and Kirsten packed together, And you packed for you, Scarlett, and Helped Kir with Maxx's. Everyone put their bags by the door.
J: Well.... now what?
Y: We Sit!everyone sat on the couch and Jason turned on the tv. It was the News.
N.R: After months and months of battle, these men we're finally filed out of Afghanistan captivity. After the bombing of the New Babtise Church almost a year ago, has been discovered to be the work of terrorists. Holding these poor men, Nick Fogarty, Christian Beadles, Ryan Butler and Chaz Somers have been found and released from terrorists captivity. They will be sent home to their families after going through check of any diseases or dehydration....
Y:Oh. My.. GOD.
K: My fiance!
Y: My baby daddy!
J: My Bros!
Toby: Wyan!!!
Tally: Nickypwoo!!
Scar: Daaaaaahhhhh!!!!!
Maxx: Daaaaaahhhhh!!!!
All: They're alive!!!
???: *Bursts through the door* We're Home!!
Kir: CHRIS!!!
You look over to see.........
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