Brand New Life

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**2 Months Later**

It has been exactly two months.since Christian Abducted me and took me with him across the country.

I thought we were just going down the street, but it ended up being Atlanta, Georgia.

Me and Chris bought a house together, and have been living there and still are.

I help take care of Maxx, like he's my own child. He even calls me Momma.

I still keep in touch with my own children, though. Calling them from private numbers or payphones to check on them.

The only reason im going with all of this is because Chris is right. We need to restart. Brand new lives. Everything.

I even changed my name, and my phone number.

My name is now Maria. Not a big change, i know. But atleast its something.

I've started a brand new life.

And im completely proud of it.

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