You woke up in the morning to Scarlett crying. You, of course, being pregnant, just wanted to stay in bed and sleep till after the afternoon.
Y: Jaaaaaaassssssoooooonnnnnnnn
you whined, hoping Jason would hear you out.
J: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Y: Pllllllleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaasssssseeee
J:.... Fiiiinnnnneeeee
Jaspon got up and Got Scarlett and you curled up into the covers clutching you stomach, feeling the baby move inside you...
Y: Jason... The baby is moving again
Jason laughed, picked up Scarlett and sat her on the bed next to you. Jason opened up the curtains to a sunny, beautiful day. Jason layed next to you and put his hand on yur belly. You moved it to the spot where the baby was moving. As soon as Jason felt it moving, he jumped. He put his other hand on it too and smiled at you
Scarlett: Maaaaddaaaaaaahhh
Y: wow Scarlett, big words.
Jason laughed and went downstairs
You forced yurself up and grabbed Scarlett and went downstairs. You put Scarlett in her playpen and heard Kirsten and Maxx wake up
K: Good morning loves!
Y: Haha morning Kirsten
Kirsten crashed next to you after putting Maxx in the same playpen with Scarlett to play.
Y: You tired?
K: Pretty much... Maxx kept me up almost the whole night. These are the times i wish Chris was still around...
Y: Same here. Scarlett doesn't like sleep as much as we do. And dont worry, hun. We'll find them. I will be forever guilty if i let Scarlett go without ever meeting her father since birth.
K: yeah, Same With Maxx. But.... its been almost a year now,Marie.... do we even know if they're alive?
Y: Well we never really thought about it this much. What is one place that they always wanted to go?
K: Well, Chris wanted to go to The Bahamas,
Y: Ryan always wantd to go to New York
K: And Chaz??
Y+K: Disney World....
J:*From The Kitchen* Then that settles it!
Y: Settles what babe?
J: I think its time to go on a little Cruise! Theres a cruise resort that goes from Arizona, to Disney World, To The Bahamas, then New York. We could three rooms for all of us. Including Meg. Then we have Me and Mar in one room with the Twins and Scarlett, I Can ask megan if she can come and she'll have her own room, Then Kir and Maxx. C'mon it will be fun and Scarlett and Maxx agree with me! Right kids?
He looked over at the Babies in their playpen and they both clapped their hands and laughed
J: See what i mean
Y: Well... it would be nice.... But it seems a little pricey....
J: Ill look up the price, okay? The last time we went on Vacation was for our honeymoon.But i've never went on vacation with the Twins... So this should be fun!
K: Yeah, i mean.... As much as i hate Jason... Its not that bad of an idea
J: Shutup!
K: You shut up
Y: CHILDREN! Your both special!
The twins came down the stairs
Tally: Hewwo Mommy.... DADDY!
She ran to Jason and Jason picked her up
J: My little girl!
You pick him up and kiss him all oer his cheeks and face. Helaughs and looks at the tv with Tally. The Rio commercial came on and they tried to do the Back bend that the Fat blue bid did
T&T: Drop it Low girll
You smile and videotape it.
J: So.. is that a yes to the cruise?
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