Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Sarah Gardner Webb

Who knew that a little talent show could change my life forever?

“The following people have been selected to compete in the upcoming winter talent show; Congratulations to: Brittany Arnolds, Damon Gayle, Vanessa Jackson and Claire Reynolds! If your name was called please meet in the auditorium after school, the late bus will be available to students that usually take the bus. Now, for lunch we will be offering…” The principle’s earlier words ring through the classroom’s intercom and permanently implant themselves in my head; I’m going to be in the talent show? It didn’t make very much sense that I’d gotten in. I hadn’t auditioned with a group and my singing isn’t anything special. I wasn’t committed like some people are. I don’t want to be a singer when I graduate.

A few people in my advisory clap or offer me a friendly smile, but most stay silent. They don’t have anything against me; I just don’t have very many friends in this class and some people are just ignoring the morning news. I blush lightly at the people who’d clapped and turn back to my book, hiding my face in the pages. I move my hair around my face, shielding myself and my annoying blush.

As I sit there, I can’t help wondering, if I can barely stand a few people clapping for me, half of their attention distracted by other things, how am I going to sing on a stage? What if I embarrass myself in front of everyone? What if I trip and fall? What if everyone hates my voice? Gulping, I try to shake away my horrifying thoughts and to focusing on reading.

When the final bell rings, I hesitantly make my way from math class to the auditorium (or cafeteria as all the students call it). For a minute I consider going home and letting my school replace me with someone who doesn’t get awful stage fright. But, with a burst of courage, I stop outside the big cafeteria doors, push my long, brown hair behind my shoulders, and walk inside. I was instantly surprised by the minimal number of people; I was used to tons of kids eating in their dumb cliques.

Looking around the room I noticed there were still cliques or groups rather, but only four and they were small ones. The first, closest to me, had five people, all smiling and talking excitedly. There were two guys and two girls, the girls were both blonde; one had bright blue eyes, while the other had hazel. One of the guys had brown hair and was facing away from me; the third guy had red hair and brown eyes. I recognized the red-head as Damon from my science class.

At the next table there were only three people, two guys and a girl. One guy was wearing a hoodie and the other was nearly asleep, leaning on his arm, blonde hair subsiding over green eyes. The girl had pale blonde hair (it must have been dyed) and sunglasses perched above her light blue eyes that had eyeliner smeared around the edges. The guys were both silent as Brittany chomped on gum, looking bored whilst explaining something to them.

Then there was a table with three guys and a girl, I didn’t recognize any of them. One guy had black hair and light brown eyes. The other two were blonde and brunette; they were both facing towards the girl and the black haired boy. The girl (with curly blonde hair and grayish-blue eyes) smiled as she chattered, using exaggerated hand motions. The guys, while occasionally adding something, stayed silent for the most part.

Then, at the last table there was one guy, (I think his name was Josh?) who looked pretty mad. He was scowling around the room with his dark eyes, writing on a large yellow notepad.

Suddenly something hit my shoulder and I had to stop myself from falling by grabbing onto a conveniently placed table. I turned angrily and saw Claire, a girl on my cheer-leading squad. She was wearing her usual smile and her dark green eyes had what must have been pounds make-up, around them.

She smiled, or scowled, it was really hard to tell with the hefty amount of make-up she was wearing, and drawled, “Oh, Vanessa! I’m so glad you’re in this too; we’re going to have an awesome time at the talent show! You should be more careful, though. You’ll get hurt if you keep running into people!” Then, with a wave of her perfectly manicured hand, she was gone, joining Josh (?) at the last table.

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