Chapter Fifteen

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 We got home around one in the morning and I fell right asleep. After what felt like only ten minutes later someone waking me up by shaking me. I opened my eyes grumbling about how important sleep was. Someone laughed and I recognized it as Carson.

Yup, she was perched on my bed in a red dress that was covered in white polka-dots. “Morning sleepy,” She chirped and I groaned, it was too early for me to deal with her hyper, cheery, attitude.  

“What do you want?” I asked, pulling my blankets tighter and wondering how she got in. We dropped her off at her house last night.

“Didn’t you get my text?” I shook my head and she continued, “Oh, well, we’re going to the beach on a double date in a half hour! It’s where Erik and Millie are getting married in a couple of weeks.”

“What time is it?” I muttered from under my pillow.

“Eleven o’clock; so get up and put on a swimsuit.” Then, after pulling off my blankets off of me, she disappeared. The beach would be crazy today, it was the day after graduation; who wouldn’t go? I got up anyways and put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt over a blue bikini. Then I grabbed a pair of sunglasses, my bag, a towel and a pair of flip flops.

I get downstairs and find Jace, Erik, Millie, George and Carson all in my living room. Holly wouldn’t be getting back until tomorrow and my parents were either at the hospital or sleeping. Jace grins at me and I can’t stop a small smile as they all stand up. “Today is like the worst day to go to the beach, you know that right?”

Jace rolls his eyes, grabbing my hand, “Nope, I have a friend who lives right on the coast and they own some private ocean.” I blinked, what was up with Jace having a ton of really rich friends?

“Oh, wow. Why are we going again?”

“Because I said I would take you on a date and Erik and Millie want to check it out. So, I decided to invite Carson and George.”

I grinned and hugged him, “You are the best boyfriend ever!” Jace chuckled; I think he was surprised by my reaction.

He wrapped his arms around me, “I know; it comes easily with you being my girlfriend.” I smiled as we walked towards his car, Carson and George behind us. We got to the house and I gawked at it. It wasn’t huge, in fact it was only one story, but it was amazing. It was like a log cabin and with the ocean behind it, it looked almost magical. Jace got out of his car, he’d been the one driving, and helped me out. George and Carson drove with us; Erik and Millie in the car behind us. Jace intertwined his fingers with mine and we walked towards the door. Curiosity was gnawing at me, whose house was it anyways?

Before we reached the door a lanky girl with red hair to her elbows ran out and wrapped her arms around my boyfriend, our hands separating. I bit my tongue, trying not to let my jealousy show. The girl finally pulled away saying, “Jace it’s great to see you again! I missed you so much.” Her eyes were gray and I noticed how beautiful she was, even in her paint covered shirt and ripped jeans.

“It’s good to see you again too. Tiffany, this is my girlfriend, Vanessa and my friends George, Carson, Erik and Erik’s fiancée, Millie. Guys, this is Tiffany.” Tiffany? As in the one he’d told me about? Must be, how many Tiffany’s could he know? But she looked so happy, so normal. While I was intrigued by her past and I felt sorry for her… knowing she was his past crush made my jealousy double.

“It’s nice to meet you. How long have you been dating?” She asked, smiling at me.

“Six months,” I answered and trying to rid the coldness from voice, I added, “I love your house.”

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