love cover.5

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" hey baby," kendall says.

" hey" y/n replies.

" coffee today?"

" sure, then we can get an issue of the love cover" y/n says, hanging up the phone.

y/n smiles from ear to ear as she walks down to meet kendall.
she saw kendall drive into her car park and she runs to the car, kendall opens her door and y/n flies into her arms.

" are you excited for tonight?" kendall says embracing her girlfriend.

" yeah!" y/n said happily.

they walk into starbucks and people look at the two weirdly, but it didn't stop kendall from staring at y/n lovingly.

the two stood awkwardly beside each other while in line to order. as kendall is making the order, y/n overhears what some of the people are saying,
/ "are they the girls on love cover? that other girl is so lucky, kendall's wasting her time."
/ " i never knew kendall's gay, wow that sucks"
/ " hey aren't they the people on love cover, the fuck are they doing in starbucks?"

kendall hands y/n her cup and they sit at a table, despite the amount of people looking at them, they both remained calm and casual.

" what are you wearing tonight" kendall asks.

" gonna wing it, just going casual,"

" i'll do the same" kendall smiles at her.

they link hands under the table to prevent anyone from judging them.
they leave to head back to kendall's car and they made it there swiftly. kendall drives them to a nearby convenience store and they both enter in search for their issued cover together.
y/n finds it and shows kendall. kendall laughs as they line up to buy the issue.
as kendall was paying for the magazine, the shop lady freaks out when she realises the two girls on the cover was standing right in front of her.

kendall drove back to her house to get ready and they change for the night event. instead of the range rover, katie had them arrive in a rolls royce ghost. when they got out, it was hell.

their names were called out about 100 times every millisecond, y/n's head was about to pop.
when they made it in, it was even more pressuring, as it was y/n's first time on a actual red carpet, she followed kendall's way, until they reach the small interviewers, where they were interviewed as a couple.

they kept walking towards the party and katie was at the entrance greeting everyone.

"my girls i've been waiting for you" katie laughed. " come this way."

she lead them to the private room where there was one chair and a crew of people with bright lights shining on the chair.
kendall and y/n were in different rooms.

" so we'll start off with introducing yourself, what your name is."

/ " i'm y/n"
/ " hi i'm kendall"

" what did you think of the issue love cover"

/ " i really liked it."
/ " it was honestly one of my favourite covers if not my favourite"

" what did you think of modelling with kendall/y/n"

/ being a small model from a small company, i felt blessed and grateful to have that opportunity to cover with such a big and amazing model like kendall"

/ since she wasn't really use to shooting as couple, it was cute for me to see her struggle a little but of course it was great working with her, i would love to do it again

" this is question is for you, y/n
- that was your first time modelling with someone else, how did you feel?"

/ i honestly wasn't nervous at all. but if i did, kendall really help with my nerves, she was such a good spirit, i felt happy so i didn't feel tensed or anything and i was just comfortable being with her.

" do you have any idea of what the love cover symbolises"

/ no idea.
/ i don't know, love i guess? *laugh*

" the love cover was to bring awareness to homosexuals. it symbolises girl love and feminism."

/ that's amazing, i really had no clue.
/ love advent always comes up with great ideas.

" any thoughts on what it actually means; if modelling for it changed you in some way?"

/ i support gay people. it shouldn't be a problem to like the same sex, and i do feel it changed me. it opened my eyes to see that not all hot things are dicks * laughs* but it can be kendall.

/ i love gay people. i support them all the way, i have a lot of gay friends and they always make me laugh. love cover really made me realise that all the relationships i had in the past weren't worth my time and tears.
i love y/n, it's almost like fate and it's amazing to have modelled with someone i have so much love for"

"that's a wrap, thanks for letting us question you and thanks for the answers"

y/n stood up and left the interview room. as she walked out she saw kendall leave and they met eyes. kendall ran up to her and nudged her head.

" hello kiddo" she said.

" hey stop, stop it, kendall" y/n whines from her head lock.

kendall lets go and looks y/n in the eye.

" i-" kendall pauses and y/n looks at her.

" you what?" y/n says,

" i love you a lot, you know" kendall says.

" aw so cheesy" y/n says pinching her nose before running off.

despite wearing heels y/n ran very quickly. kendall ran after her resulting in a endless chase.

a/n: love cover wouldn't of happened without a request. please feel free to request!
+ i have a performance today :-) wish me luck ! !



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