Chapter 1

18 0 0


New Story

This chapter is a little slow and very informative, sorry about that. But its just about the characters and whatnot. So I hope you enjoy it still.

Chapter word count: 2292, 4 and a bit microsoft word pages.

Don't expect fast updates from me, but I hope you will still read it and keep track. There might be other stories coming up as well, such as Forgotten (it was titled "Do I know you?" but it's under major construction) and Forseen. But this depends on how busy I am this year.

Enjoy and keep reading

x CReaTiViTY


Chapter 1

"Happy birthday, honey!"

My eyes fluttered open, welcoming the  light that streamed through the window. I sat  up reluctantly whilst I stretched  my muscles. I gave  my eyes a quick rub before I looked  at my parents. They smiled at me as I gave a yawn. They had their presents  in front of them, waiting for me to open them. .

"Morning," I greeted sleepily.

It was my 18th birthday. I should be excited but I was  seriously tired. It was  a Wednesday, so I had  school in about an hour. I opened my mum's present first, it was a new iPhone. This was a relief, my old phone's touch screen was  losing sensitivity. I could hardly unlock the phone anymore without me smashing the screen with my finger. I then opened my dad's present, it was a new drawing pad and a new set of oil paints. My dad always liked me drawing, he knew it was my drive, my favourite hobby. I gave them a quick hug and  thanked them. . They left my room so I could get ready for school then. I walked towards my wardrobe and looked through my many clothes. I only picked out something simple, I didn't want to get it dirty later when I went  to my studio. I got dressed in my black denim skinny jeans and my cream sweater which hugged a bit of my figure. I turned to my full length mirror and grabbed my hairbrush. I brushed through my knotty bed hair and put it in a messy side French braid,  leaving it into a pony tail, allowing two thin strands of my hair to frame my face. I put on light make up and a stained lip balm. I then put on my brownish heels with floral decorations and to finished off with my autumn coloured beret. I walked out of my room and headed downstairs to the kitchen. As I passed one of the bedrooms, I peered in. It was Luke's room;  he left home last month to live with his friends in an apartment. I sighed and tried to leave the empty feeling behind, he was my favourite brother out of the three. It was only George and Miles left in the three musketeers.

I got down into the kitchen and saw that my mum had made waffles with blueberries. This was my absolute favourite breakfast, as well as the rest of my family’s,  though mum only made them on special occasions. I sat in my spot and started eating my first waffle. Miles and George started flinging blueberries at each other, they were flying here and there,  staining their clothes and and getting them in their hair. I flung a blueberry at Miles, aimed   straight at his mouth., It had hit its target. It went in and down his throat. Miles’ eyes widened and he coughed a bit.

"That was brilliant aim, Cynth," George complimented.

I laughed and sent a high five his way. George was my younger brother, I always backed up his side in quarrels.

I checked my silver watch when I had finished eating breakfast. It read 8:00am, which left me half  an hour to get to school. I picked up my bag and called for George to get ready.

"Geo, it's time to go. Get your arse out here!" I yelled up from the front door.

The next thing I heard was a loud bang of a door closing and loud footsteps running down stairs. George started to push me out the door.

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