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"Cynthia, do you have everything? I don't want to drive back here if you forgot a bear or something."

We were moving down south and mum just wouldn't stop talking, it was so annoying. Even my dad and brothers agreed. We were only moving a few hours from my old house  and mum was just so paranoid about if it was a good neighbourhood or if we would be able to fit in. My mum was the type of person that wanted to be liked, I didn't  see the reason why though. If someone didn't like who we were then we didn't need to be around them, just like my dad says

'About all you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some won't like you at all.' My dad was always the wise one in the family, full of quotes from past and present public faces.  The one I  previously mentioned was by Rita Mae Brown, she was a feminist and an American writer. Of course my dad always taught me new things, whether they were important or not. Then there were my brothers, I have three of those! Two older and one younger, they were always playing with each other and always leaving me behind. Which was why I was much more intellectual than thos nut-heads, or that was what dad told me.

By the time we all got in the car with the rest of our belongings, it was sundown. That meant that when we got  there, I had to be straight in bed! I was in the seat closest to the window while my brothers were together messing with each other. I stared out to the road, looking at the trees and stones, I didn't  know why but I always seemed amazed at the surroundings. Bored, that was what I was. My head laid on the seatbelt as I looked out into the world. My brothers were now getting tired and were just talking, my mum finally had her mouth closed and dad, well I could tell he was getting tired. His body was more relaxed and he had one hand on the wheel while the other was resting on the window.

My eyes started to droop and my head nodded off into a slow sleep. But before I could drop off, my mind was telling me to stay awake, to stay focused on the trees and rocks. My mind was always right, it was  my best friend. So I continued to admire the surroundings, the pattern of tracks, the roundness of rocks and the shapes of leaves. Since we first hit this road we hadn't seen any other cars, so to me the one that passed by was surprising . It was going the other way to  us so I only had a quick glimpse. But somehow to me, the glimpse lasted hours. As the car started to pass, Ilooked through the tinted windows. A boy, looked right back at me. He looked my age, five. His eyes were blue like the ocean, visible even through the blackness of the window. He looked as surprised as I was when he saw me. My face started to get hot and red like I had just chased after my brothers. But not a second longer, he was gone. I twisted my back to look out the back window and watched him drive away. I sat back on my seat with a slight frown.

"Mama, can you turn on the aircon? I'm a bit hot."


When we arrived at  our new home, mum and dad went ahead and unpacked some of our stuff. It was late, so my brothers and I went to our own rooms to go to bed. I entered my room for the first time, holding my precious diary. I admired the space that I had all to myself. I had a queen sized bed and a study table already inside, yet there was still plenty of  space left. I opened my blinds to let the moon light in and then went to close my door. When the door was fully closed, I noticed a picture of the boy from earlier taped to the door right in front of me. I picked it up and studied the picture closer up. The boy in was a grey and red shirt and dark blue shorts. He wasn't skinny, nor was he fat. He posed with his hands behind his short brown hair. He had a goofy smile on his face which made him look mischievous. I turned the picture over to see the back, finding a message in messy writing.

"Keep this safe, I will come back for it.

- Jake"

I smiled and went to put it in my diary, which was carefully hidden under my bed.

I climbed into bed and looked out towards the moon and smiled.

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