•Chapter 2•

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Unknown: Cora?

Unknown: I want to play

Unknown: answer me

Unknown: I won't hurt you...

Cora: how do you know my name?

Unknown: I know things that no human could possibly figure out..

Unknown: Also, I stalk you, and I'm out your window now

Cora: Creep

Unknown: I prefer to be called...

Unknown: Watcher

Cora: okay fine...

Cora: you do want to hurt me, my mom told me

Unknown: your mom is a liar

Cora: funny, she said the same about you...

Unknown: don't you think it's kinda weird how you found out that your mom killed someone at the cafe at the train station?

Cora: no, all murders are in tv... it's not weird... why?

Unknown: well...

Unknown: maybe I lured you to the cafe so then you would see that on the news...?

Cora: you couldn't possibly know...

Unknown: anyways...

Unknown: let's play a game...

Unknown: if you look out your window right now, then you can ask me ONE question, and I will have to answer it. If you catch me in a lie, then you can wish for anything you want. Okay?

Cora: what if I don't want to look out my window?

Unknown: then I'll kill you

Cora: okay okay okay... fine...

"Boo!" The watcher said with a crooked smile once Cora looked out her bedroom window.

Cora: you need to stop doing that

Unknown: doing what?

Cora: scaring me. And distracting me

Unknown: I won't promise anything

Cora: okay my question...

Cora: can you explain who you are?

Unknown: well...

Cora: you have to answer

Unknown: okay

Unknown: I'm a watcher. There are watchers, snatchers, and killers. I am a watcher as you already know.

Cora: what do the snatchers and the killers do?

Unknown: normally I wouldn't answer 2 questions, but I'll make an exception...

Unknown: the watchers watch. The snatchers snatch. And the killers...

Cora: kill?

Unknown: yes.

Cora: okay, but why do they do what they do?

Unknown: because that's what they do, it's their job.

Cora: it just doesn't connect... put them in order

Unknown: watchers, then the snatchers, then the killers.

Cora: okay I get the snatchers and the killers jobs but, WHY do you watch???

Unknown: because that's my job

Cora: 😒🙄

Unknown: I'm gonna rip out your eyes and kill you...

Cora: hold up, don't get ahead of yourself. I get two wishes now.

Unknown: why?

Cora: well you lied twice. 1) you said that you only watched, but now you're saying that you kill 2) you said you wouldn't hurt me, but now you are saying that you are gonna kill me.

Unknown: smart girl.

Unknown: what are your two wishes?

Cora: 1) I wish that you are forced to answer ALL of my questions 2) I wish that you would leave me alone

Unknown: I will answer MOST of your questions, not all. And I will leave you alone, I'll stay out here at your window, I won't come in...

Cora: okay.

Cora: why did my mom kill my dad?

Unknown: because your mom is evil, there are a lot of things you don't know about her

Unknown: by the way, I'm in your basement...

Cora: impossible, all of the doors are locked

Unknown: nothing is impossible for me

Cora: don't come up

Unknown: stay in your room

Cora: don't hurt me pls

Unknown: I promise I won't

Cora: I thought that you were evil

Unknown: I am, but I can be nice, it depends

Cora: hold on, someone is at the door


Cora: okay okay fine

Cora: my mom is calling me

Cora: she thinks I'm in the basement

Unknown: don't say anything

Unknown: or else

Cora: okay fine

Cora: I'm mad at her anyway

Cora: why is she screaming "help"?


Unknown: I'm saving you

Unknown: she was gonna kill you too

Unknown: your welcome

Cora: she is my mom, I love her, I could you do this?

Unknown: watchers watch. Snatchers snatch. And killers kill.

Unknown: i'm watching, the snatcher snatched her. And the killer is done his job...

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