Four - Such A Flirt!!

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Sophia's face claim ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️
I have never had a shower before, it was lovely. Theirs warm water and so many soaps!

As I got out of the shower I walked over to the drawer and picked out a light blue shirt and jeans. The shirt was slightly to big so I tied a knot to the side to hold it up so it wasn't a dress. I used the towel to dry my hair and picked up the brush on the top of the drawers.

I investigate it. It had no hair on it and looked bran new. So I used it. I brushed my hair and plaited it down my right shoulder. I put my pendant back on then walked to the area that we were earlier and sat down on the couch.

I heard a door open and Sam walked in and sat next to me. I smiled. "How was your trip to see "the sunset?""

"Was really beautiful. What did you

"Have a shower." Another door opened and Sophia walked in followed by the sound of her high heels.

"Come on you two dinners ready!" She chimed. "We've got quite the treat tonight!" Another door opened and in walked Finnick. It looked like he had a shower, his hair was still dripping wet. He smiled. "Ah, Finnick. Perfect timing dinners ready."

We walked to a dining area and sat down. I sat next to Sam and Finnick sat across from me. I spotted lobster on the table and grinned. I saw Sam sink into his chair and push away from the table slightly, which made grin even more. I eyed Finnick carefully who seemed confident and I had my hand close to the nearest sharp knife I could spot. Sam moves closer to me.

"Hey you told him right?" He whispered.

"Yep," I whisper back still grinning. I raise an eyebrow at Finnick.

"Ladies first." He says gesturing to the food. I slowly move my hand away from the knife and towards some lobster. "After I have some lobster," he went to cut up some lobster, but before he could I quickly move to pick up the knife. Flip it through my fingers so the blades facing down and stabbed it down in front of Finnick's hand. He flinched back in shock. I smiled innocently.

"Oh thank you Finnick! Your to kind." I cut up half the lobster and start eating it. Sophia and Finnick stare at me in surprise, I look up at them. "What?" Sam chuckles.

"Trust me your lucky she usually tortures Leaf and I for a week." I look up at Sophia.

"Go ahead he said ladies first," she looks at me unsure. "Sophia, I'm not going to throw a knife at you." She sighs in relief and starts eating food.

Then Sam started eating, while Finnick stared at the knife I threw. "Hey, I did say it was your funeral." He ignores me and continues to stare at the knife. I think for a moment. "You know you might want get some food before I go for seconds..." I say in a teasing voice. He looks up at me and frowns, then starts eating as well.

I smile, " every time." Sam chuckles at my comment while Finnick stuffs his plate with the remainder of the lobster. He was lucky that I was full or I would have made him share the rest. Their was still so much food on the table but I couldn't eat another bite! I sit there waiting for everyone to finish when Finnick spoke up.

"You missed."

"Excuse me?

"I said-"

"I HEARD WHAT YOU SAID! Bloody your telling me you wanted me to hit you?"

"Are you telling me you purposely missed?" He said with a smirk, I froze.

"I asked first!" Sam laughed at my childish come back. I glared at him and he shut up.

"Awww....does Miss Winter Sminter not willing to admit that she cares about me and never want to hurt me." I blushed slightly.

"Y-y-ou didn't answer my question!" I tried to say angrily but it really didn't.

"What if I don't want to answer your question Winter Sminter?"

"Don't call me that!!" I managed to say angrily.

"Ok then, how about snowy?" I glare at him furiously.

"THAT'S EVEN WORSE!!!" I yell banging my hands down on the table, which made Sophia jump.

"I don't think so, what do you think Sam?"

"WOO!! Dude don't get me involved she'll kill me!!!" says Sam.

"See his smart, he learns fast!!! Be more like him!!" I reply, Finnick rolls his eyes.

"Awww.....Snowy would never hurt me she cares about me to much..."

"Never say never," I reply. I can see a smirk grow on Sams face in the corner of my eye.

"Oh...we got a fiesty one on our hands."

"You've seriouly just noticed?" I ask.

"Correction...VERY! fiesty one," I roll my eyes. "You know that will come in handy in the arena..." I snap back to reality and realise I'm soon going to go into the arena to my certain death. I got hit with a wave of home sickness. All I want right now is my mum, dad and Leaf to be by my side along with Sam. I felt the back of my eyes start to burn but I refused to cry. Finnick and Sam must have noticed cause they asked.

"Winter?" Finnick said.

"Are you ok?" Sam asked.

"I feel sick is all, I might go to bed..." I replied.

"But you'll miss the replay of the reaping," Sophia says. Great! The last thing I want to see.

"Uh...I might come out later to watch it..."

"But it's going start soon and you'll miss the careers." I sighed.

"I'll be out shortly." I say and walk off.

"Wait up I'll come to!" Sam says and follows me to my room.

Sam sat down next to me on the bed.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"I just...for a moment...had forgotten about the games..." he sighed.

"It'll be o-"


"Because if it was up to me, I would just die in the arena! But no I've got you with me and I've got Leaf back home and Mum and Dad!" he sighs. "We have to stay strong for each other cause one of us has to go home." He finishes.

"I'm sorry it's just ...I'm scared..."

"I know...but it will work out and one of us will go home." He hugs me then there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I say loud enough so they can hear me. The door creaks open and Finnick pops his head in.

"Um...Sophia wanted me to let you know the replay is starting in a minute." Sam looks at me and I nod.

"Yep we'll be out in a minute." Sam says.

"Better be quick, it starts in a minute." He says with a cheeky grin. I giggled at his comment which made him grin more. Sam rolls his eyes and Finnick leaves.

"He's such a flirt! Why do you put up with it? I know you can make him stop if you wanted to."

"Yeah I know, I just don't feel like being mean or hurting our one chance at survival when were in the arena." He laughs, but to be honest...I didn't mind it...he always makes me smile.

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