Gun to the head - #1

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Panda_cub entry:

The world is grey. The only colour visible to my eyes, currently, is grey. Even though i am in my home, my apparent safe place, it is still grey. As grey and dark as the land belonging to the devil.

My petite hands grip the handles of my skipping rope. Together, we skip while singing our childish songs in chorus. I glance over to take a peek at my friend, her once golden plaits bounce up and down on her small shoulders as she jumps and we laugh in what seems like joy. But, if inspected close enough by one, could be seen as a mere act and facade. An act of a desperate soul just trying to survive in a world adamant to not let us.

The world may be a dark place but you can always find happiness with a friend by your side.

This is what we were told to think, this is what we were made to believe. The audible lies filling our ears for years of everlasting torture.

The skidding of a white van and the screech of it's tires cause me and her drop our skipping ropes and run in trepidation. The pitter patter of our small feet were lost compared to the large feet slamming against the ground, chasing us. Obediently, i follow what my mother always told me- "If a car comes, run inside where it's safe"

Safe. This is often an adjective used to describe a home. But a home is only a place which is safe, and my 'home' isn't safe.
Does this mean that what i thought was my home, isn't my home?

Abruptly, me and her slammed the door what we thought was shut and hid. My trembling figure shook behind the door to our lounge, the ground metaphorically shaking the world to a pile of helpless rocks.


My breath hitched to a stop as i felt the presence of an unwanted intruder invade the house which i could no longer call a home.


His shoes bounced up and down off the floor, the nearer they came, the nearer came our death.

A question, which we were both identically thinking in our heads was just Who is going to be caught first?

At some point, they were going to find us both. But who was going to be the one who had to watch the other be brutally thieved of life.


The once golden-haired girl trembled behind the sofa to my right, like a girl tied to a train track, unable to move an inch. Just sitting there, waiting until the train came and ended the only thing left in our grasps: Life.

Suddenly, as if someone had turned a light switch off, causing complete and utter darkness in my mind and impossibly more tension to the room, i heard the echo of a gun being fired.

Seconds later, an audible thump stirred the ground as my friend and partner fell lifelessly to the floor. Her limp body next to mine, her ghostly white eyes staring into mine, her fearful expression now scared to her face. She will always be remembered by me.

The benumbed, black barrel was pressed against my forehead.

This is what i deserve.
This is how they will get their revenge.
This is the only way to make them happy.

His gloved finger hovered above the trigger. Sweat tumbled off my forehead, as if causing a puddle of greasy liquid on the floor. A smile of true happiness was brought ahead of my eyes as my nightmare was turning darker and darker.

"This is just a nightmare" i said to myself, causing the figure behind the gun to gurgle a laugh.

I watched him as he played with my emotions, i was at his mercy, he could do anything to me he liked and no one would ever find out. But as the assassin he is, he stuck to the job and with one fluent movement pulled the trigger. The bang of my life ending filled my dead ears before i woke up and returned to the nightmare of a reality i was living.


The next chapter will be published in maybe a month. This chapter is just a taster to see wether i should publish the whole book, so i'd appreciate feedback.

Many thanks, Stay strong,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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