Chapter_11 the recovory

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Our lips moved in perfect sync and I heard the beeping on his heart rate monitor start going faster I pulled back from the kiss and laughed and so did he.

-end of recap


I stayed at the hospital for another two days while Jc recovers. The bruises that were once all over his face, arms and torso were now fading into little cuts with smaller bruises around them, thankfully Jc was soon to be released. I woke up bright and early on the third day next to Jc with his arms rapped tightly around me. Even though he was injured he wouldn't let anything hurt me and that's one more thing on my long list of things that I love about Jc. I carefully turned over not wanting to wake Jc up and got out of the bed.

"Come back" I herd from behind me in Jc's sleepy voice. His eyes slowly opened and a smile crept across his face.

"No" I said back

He pouted

"I love you but I'm starving as all get out"
I said walking towards the door

"Then let me come with you" I herd him say and shortly after came some rustling.

"No let me bring you something you still have to be sore" I stated/asked

"No it's ok I need to get moving around anyways" he said with still a little sleepiness in his voice

"Well at least get some pants on" I said as he looked down at his hospital gown

"Good point, but hey I could still rock this whole hospital gown look" he said while smirking at me and doing supermodel posses. I through him a pair a pants that was on the counter and a t-shirt that was in a drawer.

"Now go change I'm starving" I said as he turned around and went into the bathroom

"Thank you" he said behind the closed door

"Yeah yeah your welcome" I said while he laughed


A few seconds later he came out the door fully dressed. Even if he has been lying in a host hospital bed for 4 days he still looked cute.
"Let's go" he said all happy

"Cool" I simply said
As soon as we got to the cafeteria, in the hospital, it was completely empty. We both looked at each other and smiled. I could tell we were thinking the same thing. Next thing I know we're running around crazy while I play floats my boat by Aer.

I'm dancing on the table like a freak when I notice I can't find Jc "Jc!" I yell.... No answer I get down from the table I'm starting to panic.

"Jc! Jc where are you" tears of worry are about to fill my eyes when all of a sudden Jc is running out of the kitchen "what! what! are you ok?!" He says running out of the kitchen with a bread roll in his hand.

"damn you Jc!" I say as I run to him and nuzzle head in this chest.

"why are you crying?" he ask looking down at me. "You scared me I didn't know where you went" I said as a tear escaped my eye.

"I'm ok, your ok. Here I got you this" he hands me a roll "what?" I ask with a smile "you said you were hungry" he said to me "true" I take it from his hand and take a bite.

He grabs me in another hug and kisses the top of my head.

"I would never leave you" he says, I smile

"I love you Jc" I say looking him in his beautiful brown eyes

"I love you too" he says back to me.
I kiss him softly on the lips. As the kiss deepens someone walks through the door. I don't pay it any mind till Jc pulls away. "What?" I ask, I turn around to where Jc was looking and see a tall girl with light blond hair and brown eyes staring at us with a shocked face "Vanessa?" Jc says. Who in the world is Vanessa?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2014 ⏰

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