Chapter 2_SCHOOL

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First period ended and Alysia was standing by here locker getting her books for chemistry "hey" I shouted maybe a little to loudly "dang girl calm down you scared the heck out of me" she says "sorry" I say back "soooooo I'm sorry but I have to get to my next class Mr. Thatcher is going to kill me if I'm late for his class again" Alysia says "oh.ok I guess I will see you later" kind of in an upset voice "yeah see ya later". I wave goodbye and turn on my heels to head to my next class but I stop dead in my tracks. there stands Jc talking to a couple of guys, what is he doing here he graduated last year I swiftly walk past him and and quickly head to my next class


Hey you guys sorry this chapter is so short the next part I'm coming up to takes a chapter to write and I didn't want it to be to much

Happy new year to all of you and again sorry for it being so short (ill post the next one tomorrow just for you guys)

- luv ya my clouds

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