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A couple days pass and I haven't spoken to Cole, I hadn't really seen him around at all. It's strange because I was just starting to get used to his inappropriate comments.
"What class do we have next Cat?" I ask through a yawn. I hadn't slept much last, I had been over-thinking how I would make my bounty hunting career work.

"Well I have geography, Kelly has art, and I think you have English don't you?" Cat hurriedly grabs her books from her locker.
"What really?" I groan, "Why did you girls have to choose year 12 Literature?" I complain crossing my arms.
Cat laughs "Have fun Tammy."
She scurries off and I slowly grab my books hoping the school day would end already.
I end up being five minutes late to class and Mr Williams isn't impressed. I sit in the back alone and look out the window not paying much attention, the weather today is miserable compared to our usual sunny days.
"Class I'm handing out a new assignment today..." "Tamson can you hear me back there!?" He yells.
I snap my attention to him and nod. "Good. First I'd like you to pair up with one of your class mates."
As those words left Mr Williams mouth the classroom quickly shifted around pairing up together. I look around the room hoping I'd see a friendly face who I wouldn't mind being in a pair with.
My eyes widen with dred when I notice Nelson staring directly at me.
"No, no, no, no" I whine to myself.
"Mr Vulking! How nice of you to join the class." Mr William's grumbles. I sit up in my chair and see Cole standing at the front of the class with his hands in his pockets. Cole is meant to be in year 12, the same year as Riley, except he was forced to redo year 11 due to his lack of attendance.
Mr William's peers around the room and notices everyone is paired up, except me. "Guess your partner for this assignment will be Tamson." Mr Williams points to me in the back.
I slouch in my seat suddenly contemplating jumping out the window as I realised I will be spending more time with this guy than I want to. A seductive smile crosses Cole's lips. 
A hand raises in the air across the room "Excuse me sir, excuse me sir!" I hear Nelson's annoying voice on the opposite side of the room. I could feel Nelson's jealous eyes darting between Cole and I.
"Yes Nelson." Mr Williams groans rubbing his temples.
"Sir, I don't have a partner." Nelson replies desperately.
Mr Williams looks at both Cole and I, I shake my head 'no' begging him not to put him in a group with us. A wicked smile crosses his face as he knows that this will be the perfect punishment for his delinquent and sassy student. "You can partner up with Cole and Tamson." Mr Williams smiles at me in an overly-nice bitchy kind of way and I swear that he had just transformed into one of the High schools nasty popular girl for a second. 
"F*ck." I cuss under my breath. I give Nelson a death stare and slouch in my seat.
Cole sits next to me and laughs in a way that I know is directed at me "Don't be so mad Kitty, now we get to spend some quality time together." He smirks and I want to slap it right off his face.

"Okay hush guys!" Mr Williams yells at the class we slowly quiet down to let him speak, "okay so this assignment is about making the town a better place. Each group is going to come up with ideas on how to improve this town and together make a presentation to show the class." Cole and I look at each other and immediately we come to an agreement about what we want to do the assignment on. "For the rest of the class please brainstorm with your partner to come up with ideas." Mr Williams sits back in his chair and pulls out a gardening magazine out of his desk draw, even though he doesn't seem like the type to garden.

Nelson comes over and joins our table, I cross my arms and roll my eyes. "H-hi Tamson." Nelson stutters. I ignore him and begin our brainstorm in my book. 

Nelson suggests that we pick up all of the rubbish in the town and create something with it to shock people about littering. Cole and I roll our eyes in sync. 

"There's a lot of crime going around town, Tamson and I were thinking about catching some guys out and making citizens arrests." Cole explains to Nelson. 

Nelsons eyes grow wide with shock behind his glasses. "B-but that is just com-completely stupid and wreck-k-less." He stutters as his eyes set on me. 

Cole smirks "Well if you don't like it Nels, go join another group." He says in a stern tone. 

Nelson looks between Cole and I and hangs his head looking at his fingers has he fidgets. "Okay... I'll go and join another group." 

"Great mate, now piss off." Coles says in a snarky tone.  

Although Nelson makes me feel completely uncomfortable in his presence I do feel sorry for him. He doesn't really have any friends and he probably already gets bullied enough as it is by other students. "Ease up Cole." I whisper to him. 

Nelson smiles sadly at me and then grabs his belongings and moves to a pair on the other side of the classroom. 

Cole and I research the rise in crime in the area and some potential suspects that we could catch and deliver to the local police. 

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