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Nelly and I laugh hysterically at Cole as he exits the change room. His Batman outfit is way too tight. I'm pretty sure that the Batman outfit was meant for eight-year-olds.

I'd told Nelly everything. The bounty hunting, and how that linked to Vannucci. She seemed concerned, but agreed to keep it a secret.


Cole's tights came up just below his knees, and the shirt was at his elbows. It also does not look flattering where the sun don't shine... If you know what I mean.

His muscly biceps were pulsing out of his skin-tight costume. When I analyse Cole closely I could barely recognize his features. perfect.

I couldn't stop staring at his body. I guess all that running from police did him good.

"Now that I look like a sexy 6 foot giant in a kids costume... it's your turn!" Cole announces, and points at me with his bony index finger right between my eyes.

There were grunts and mumbled curses coming from one of the change room stalls. It was Vannucci, we not only forced him to wear a fairy costume, but we tied him to a wooden chair and wrapped tape around his mouth so he couldn't call for help.

"I'm a little worried that I'll look as good as Cole... Or better." I purr sarcastically.

"Impossible!" Cole winks.

I step into the change room and throw off my ragged clothes, and replace them with the shiny black latex costume. It fits my body perfectly. It accepts my curves and actually makes me look sexy. 

"I don't know if you guys can handle this." I joke.

"Oh? just come out and show us!" Cole groans. I step out slowly. The shiny black materiel reflects the light from the central chandelier.

I'd never seen Cole look so astonished. His mouth almost drops to the floor.

"I would tap that." Cole spoke in a dazed tone. I really didn't like his Batman outfit at the moment. It was so tight that I could see ev-er-ry-thing.

I cover my eyes with my hand, but still peeking through the cracks of where my fingers part. "Uh- Cole. Your- your..." I squint my eyes and I pointed to Cole's crutch. 

Cole snaps out of his trance and notices exactly what I am pointing at. "Oh, there's only one way to get rid of that." He winks at me.

I scowl at him. Most of the time, this kid disgusts me.

"Oh... and what would that be?" Nelly provocatively asks.

"Okay! Enough!" I exclaim waving my hands around to draw attention. Cole stops mid-sentence and Nelly's eyes wander the room. "... and Cole, please put some pants on! I don't want to see your junk! It's like, it's staring at me!" I stare at it, and once again slap my hand over my eyes.

Nelly chuckles at my exasperation. I am completely disturbed by this situation. Cole is amused by my reaction. "Well put on a T-shirt... and some shorts and my friend wouldn't come out to play." He teases. I am certain we can't wear these costumes when we're fighting badies, mainly because Cole's outfit is disturbingly tight, and mine gives guys hard-ons. No, these aren't intimidating or convenient.
"Ugh! Ew!" I groan and shuffle my feet to a rack full of fancy dresses. I search through the contents of it.

"Cinderella and Prince Charming!" I chirp trying to change the subject.


"No... Nope... no way!" Were pretty much the only words Nelly said for the next fifteen minutes. We had tried on multiple outfits on, and none of them seemed to suit us.

Finally, we step out in our last costume. A 1930s styled black suit for Cole with a sophisticated hat. I am wearing a matching brown skirt that finishes just below my knee, and a dull cotton shirt, with a french hat and a brown patterned bandanna around my neck. 

"Oh, my god! You two, it's perfect! You look like Bonnie and Clyde!" Nelly claps cheerfully.

I look at Cole, he really does look like the photo I'd seen in my history book. 1930s gangsta,I look down at my outfit, I really look like a mess, but I glare up in Cole's eyes and something sparkled in them. It might have been hope, satisfaction, approval... 

"Good guys... dressed as bad guys?" I question.

"Yes! It's perfect! They would never suspect you as narks!" Nelly cheers. She wasn't making much sesnse, but I'm satisfied with our new costumes nonetheless. 

"Okay... so how do we protect our identities? My uncle will recognise me instantly." I gesture towards my face. 

"Oh... what about a mask?" Nelly questions. 

"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged agreeing to the masks.


I found myself next to a 1930s gangster, and a humiliated criminal in a fairy costume, outside the Crimson Field's local police station. Just a normal day for Tamson Shaw.

"Let me f*cking go!" Vannucci grunted. His attitude had only grown more sour since we had forced him into the ridiculous costume. 

"Shut up." Cole snaps at him.

I run a hand over my bare face and pull the cat mask from my left pocket. I stare into the black tinted police windows. I could see the outline of my body, it was blurred. From what I could see I looked odd, but mysterious... I guess that was the point. "Okay, it's now or never." I huff and whipped the mask on as I walked towards the entrance of the station.

With each step I heard the thud of my feet pound against the pavement. With each breath, it burned in my chest. With every heart beat, it pounded in my head.

I've avoided this police station for 5 years. Since the day she left me. The day she left this earth. My mum.

M E M O R Y - 2009

I could see it all over again, the rush of police running every which way inside the station. Wherever I glanced there'd be a sympathetic look. I couldn't escape it, it wasn't a dream. It was all too real. I clutched my ears and screamed when Uncle Jason knelt beside me.

"You're going to be living with me kiddo." He kept his composure, but his words cracked.

"She's dead isn't she!" I cried. He didn't answer me. He just stared at me with sad eyes.

"Don't just sit there like nothing happened! My mum is dead! Your sister is dead!... It's all your fault! She's all I've ever had! You should have protected her, but no, no, she's gone! " I weep, I thought he would've been mad at me for blaming him for her death. But he just wrapped his arms around me in a comforting hug.

"Tamson. Oh Tamson." He hushed me.

"Tamson!" "Hey, hey! Tamson!" Cole brought me back from my living nightmare.

I turned to him. My eyes burned with tears. "She's gone."


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