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I know this isn't perfect, and some of you may not understand some of my Australian slang words... So here is a translation, if you have any more questions leave it in the comments or just message me. :)

Juvi - Juvenile Correction (Jail for children and teenagers)

Pedo - Paedophile/ child offender

Oh and just a little information that I made up 'Crimson Field' I don't actually know if it's a real place or not. Also that in the 'outback' of Australia, it's true that taller, bigger men get more respect. Also in some parts it's very outlawed, and don't have a lot of police officers, sometimes none. So people in those areas carry guns around, it's pretty wild. My mum was actually a Jackaroo when she was my age (16) she left home and travelled to the outback to herd cattle. She told me all about how wild it really was out there. Crazy stuff... Anyway I've talked enough, if you have any questions let me know!


All the memories invaded my mind, all at once. Those god awful memories that I'd blocked out from my childhood. Those time-stopping, heart breaking memories.

My mother was taken from me. In the midst of a sleepover with a friend, my mother had been murdered. She left me, without a goodbye. Oh if only I had been with her, I know there probably wasn't anything I could do, but I wish I could've stopped the asshole that did this to her. 

"Make it stop. Make it stop." I cry, clutching my ears.

"Tamson? Tamson what's wrong!" Cole asks worriedly.

A smile crosses Vannucci's sick face. "She's just a nut case. Just let me go." He grumbles.

"You, shut up!" Cole sweeps a leg under the criminals ankles and pushes him to his knees. 

With all the commotion Officer Pinton, a good friend of my uncle, comes out of the station to see what all the comotion is "What's going on here?" He demands as he furrows his bushy eyebrows. 

I start to panic, he knows me well enough to recognize me. Oh, shit, oh, shit.

I clench my hands and drop them to my sides, I begin to feel dizzy. My head is heavy and my eyes begin to strain. Everything fades and out of nowhere I fall into darkness.


"Kitty." The word echoes in my ear. "Oh, kitty." He snaps, pulling me awake from my slumber. 

I slowly open my eyes. It is Cole, his face is inches away from mine. My heart skips a beat as I feel his warm hand on my back, and his breath on my cheek.

"We're busted." He admits dropping his usual cheeky smile. I feel tingles rush through my body as the realization set in.

"We're what!?" I almost jump out of the chair I am sitting in.

"Shhh! Here, drink this." He hands me a plastic cup. I take it from his hand and look inside it. It is clear, water. I down it pretty quickly.

I touch my face to wipe a piece of hair from my eyes. I realise that my mask is gone.

"My mask!" I look at Cole, his is gone too.

"Tamson, we got caught. You fainted when we got here... Your uncle knows everything. We could have been charged with kidnap and assault, but Mr. Vannucci didn't press any charges. I'm not sure why he didn't..." Cole doesn't seem very worried about our current situation. He's scarily calm about it all actually. I however, am freaking out! My uncle knows I've been bounty hunting behind his back. 

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