Put Your Body to the Test With Mine

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*two weeks later*

Sam's POV:

Waiting backstage is killing me. I'm a jumble of nerves as I wait for or time to go onstage. To pass time, I walk over to the big mirrors on one side of the room and make sure I'm looking presentable. Cassadee and I spent ages trying to find the perfect dress and we finally found one yesterday. It's sky blue and comes down to just above my knees. The floaty material ties tight around my bust with a sparkly strap hanging around my neck for support. The material flows down from under my bust, giving me the appearance of flying when I move. It is honestly the most beautiful thing I have ever worn in my entire life. I wing my eyeliner and am touching up my hair when I feel a strong pair of arms gently slide around my waist.
"You look beautiful," Tony whispers in my ear, kissing my cheek. I smile. He rests his chin on my shoulder and we both look at our reflection in the mirror.
"You don't look half bad yourself," I tell him and he smirks, pulling me around so I face him. His white shirt contrasting with his tanned skin, sleeves rolled up to half way up his arms, exposing some of his tattoos. I smile at him. He was never going to cover them up, no matter what my teacher said. She walks past us and looks Tony up and down with a suspicious glare then shakes her head and walks off.
"Two minutes Sam," she calls back over her shoulder. I smile but then feel the all too familiar pull of anxiety take over.
"Tone, I'm having an anxiety attack," I pant out and then suddenly I'm being pressed into Tony, his arms rubbing my back.
"Breathe Sam, breathe," he instructs and I try but it's just no use.
"Need. Sit. Down," I choke out and sit down on one of the chairs.
"Breathe Sam," I hear Tony say again and I squeeze my eyes closed and take a deep breath in. I open them to see Tony squatting in front of me, his hands holding mine, his eyes full of concern. My breathing regulates and I sigh.
"I'm so sorry," I whisper and I feel Tony squeeze my hands.
"Don't be," he says gently and reaches up his hand to re-adjust a piece of hair that has fallen out of place.
"Sam are you okay?" I hear Anna ask me. I look up at her concerned face.
"Yeah I'm fine, just freaking out, but I'm okay. Thanks," I breathe out. She nods but stays in front of me. Tony looks at me.
"You sure?" he says and I nod, resting my hand on the slight stubble of his beard, giving him a reassuring smile. He returns it then helps me up.
"Sam! Get ready!" my teacher barks and Anna gives my hand an encouraging squeeze and a "good luck" before Tony and I walk over to where my teacher is waiting for us. We start to follow her down corridors until we reach the side of stage. She gives me a thumbs up and Tony kisses my forehead before walking around to the other side of the stage. Waiting in the wings. I see the curtain lift and the lights go on. The familiar opening notes of Atlas fill my ears and I take a deep breath and walk out, dancing my solo part. I lose myself in the music, letting it consume me. Dancing my heart and soul out to the song.

Tony's POV:

I watch Sam dance from side of stage. She's beautiful, the way she loses herself in the music. I hear my entrance approach and walk out onto the stage, wrapping my arms around her.
She turns into me and I hold her, stepping in time with the piano part. I dip her down and pull her back up gently. When she smiles at me it's as if no one else exists and it's just me and her, losing ourselves in the dance. We lock eyes and then I turn and walk away, gearing up for the next chorus.

Vic's POV:

It's mesmerizing, watching Sam and Tony dance. They are so lost in each other, perfectly in sync. I smile at the choice of song. Atlas is one of Sam's favorites by Coldplay and it's like Tony's message to her in song form. It's evident to see she knows that. I smile. They look so happy.

Sam's POV:

The second chorus comes up and I run into Tony's arms. He lifts me up then gently and slowly sets me back down. We dance and it's as if nobody is watching. I smile, dancing around him, getting pulled back into him often. The dance gets more intense with the song and then it dies down. We slow down with it and then I hear the final note, gazing into Tony's eyes, smiling. He smiles back and then I hear hoots and hollers from the audience. I look out into the crowd and cup my hand over my mouth, laughing as I see the rest of Pierce The Veil, Of Mice & Men and All Time Low standing up, fist pounding the air. I look at Tony and he's laughing too. The rest of the audience is smiling but looking confused at why about twelve heavily tattooed and six foot men are all cheering. I spy Mama and Papa Fuentes and Cassadee standing next to Rian and I grin. We walk offstage and go back to the dressing room, where Tony turns to me and lifts me up in a huge hug. I laugh as he spins me around, setting me gently back on the ground.
"We did it!!" he exclaims as I grin at him.
"We did it," I say and he smiles, kissing my cheek. I giggle and notice Hailey and her friends watching us out of the corner of my eye. I ignore them when Anna runs up to me and engulfs me in a huge hug.
"I'm so proud of you!" she exclaims, hugging me tightly. I'm still grinning from the adrenaline and my head is reeling with nervous energy.
"You guys looked incredible!" she exclaims, turning to both of us. We both thank her, smiling at each other. I'm so lost in the excitement that I don't notice that the show has finished. Me and Tony were the closing act. We both tidy up our area and walk out into the foyer, where people are milling around. I see a few families with their daughters, congratulating them. Suddenly I feel strong arms wrap themselves around me and in an instant, I'm surrounded. Caught in the middle of a huge band hug. I laugh as Zack sets me on his shoulders and everyone hi-fives me.
"Yeah Sam!!" they all exclaim. Jumbles of "I'm so proud of you!" to "You looked great!" or "That was awesome!" rise up around me. They're creating a huge commotion in the foyer but I can honestly say, for the first time in my life, I don't care about anyone else's opinions because I am surrounded by people who love me for me. And as Zack carries me out of the foyer on his shoulders, swamped by everyone, I feel such a sense of power. Nothing can ruin this moment for me. I am fearless.

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