Day 13 - Ecclesiastes 12:13

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I was having my late supper
when a group of youngsters; girls and boys passed through the open cafe chatting, laughing and giggling. Some of them were gossiping and teasing.

Their hairs are overly plaited, dyed with heavy makeup as if they were trying to hide their innocent faces and pretended to be mature and adult-like.

Their dresses were beautiful, colourful, and revealingly sexy and exposing!

Some of the customers spend time to admire them, others shook their heads. A number of young men tried to disturb them by remarks and gestures
but they just returned their remarks and gestures with more obscenity.

I wonder what they were up to; its only ten at night!

As I looked at them, something struck me and made me pity them - they are so young and already exposed with the world!

What a waste for the Bible says:

Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw high, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them. (Eccl.12:1)

Trains up a child in a way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Pro.22:6)

Yet today's world lost kids and adult too.

Father in Heaven, Our Lord and God.
Look upon Thy Children in this lost world. Let Thy Spirit dwells in their heart and Thy Light show thy path so that they won't stumble on their journey in this treacherous and evil road of our life.

Let not one of us fall. If we do, lift up out hand unto you Lord, till we meet.

This we pray and ask in Jesus' name, who is our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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