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Danielle has been thinking about how she will break the news to her family. Everything is perfectly placed in the dinning table for when they arrive. As soon as she hears the front door open, her heart begins to pump really fast. She pretends she is still cooking and doesn't look their way.

"Dinner better be cooked today" her father says as he sits on a chair.

Danielle rolls her eyes and heads to serving their food. She quietly places the spaghetti and walks back in the kitchen for the meatballs. When she walks to the sink to wash her hands, she notices Ethan right outside the window. He is already grabbing her things and taking them to his car. She wipes her hands dry and slowly walks to her family. She stands beside her father and begins to talk. "I have something to say"

"Ugh, don't you see we are eating bitch?" Her sister says.

But ignoring her, Dani continues. "I have decided to move out"

As Ethan is grabbing the last box he hears Danielle from inside, "I have decided to move out." He smiles and takes the last box to his trunk.

He hears a plate break and runs to the window. Her father is standing in front of her. "You ungrateful bitch. You think you can decide when you can leave? We have been providing you shelter and food for 21 years. You can't just leave like that. Who will do all your chores huh? Tell me"

"Exactly! I am 21 years old, therefore I can decide whether I want to stay or leave and I decided to leave." She begins walking, but he grabs her and throws her to the floor.

Ethan immediately runs to his car and grabs the small gun his father gave him, but he knows it is not loaded. Hopefully the man doesn't try to fight back. He quickly runs to the house and enters it. "Danielle lets go" he points the gun to the man.

"What the fuck? Who is this? Who are you?" Her father stands there, startled. Her mother and sister are screaming.

"None of your business" he continues to point as they head out the door. "Run" he tells Dani. They get in the car and quickly leave.

"Thank you so much." She says.

Ethan's heart is still pounding, he had never held a gun and even though it wasn't loaded, it scared him. "You're welcome Dani, I wasn't going to stay there and watch as he hurt you"

Danielle, herself, was terrified that her step father would've done something to Ethan. He took the gun from his pocket and hid it back to it's place. "Don't worry, it's not loaded."

Her eyes opened in disbelief, "so you mean to tell me that you pointed a gun without it having any bullets?"

He quickly glanced at her, "yeah"

Laughter soon filled the car, Danielle couldn't stop. "Oh my, I can't believe you did that. You're incredible."

Ethan couldn't help but blush. "Aww you're red" She teased him, she grabbed his cheek and squeezed it. He playfully smacked her hand away.

"We're home!" He announced.

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