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"Morning Jack."

"Hey Greg, are you following her already?"

"Yeah, I'm looking at her right now. Seems she's waiting for someone because she just keeps looking at her phone."

"She's most likely waiting for the bastard. Now be careful okay? Remember he has a gun and could have Danielle under threat."

"I know, I have my knife just in case I see him hurt her, but I won't get close unless I see any sign of threat. Plus, she's smiling."

"Could be an act, just get the plate number of the car they leave in."

"Wait, she's walking toward someone. Now they're walking toward the parking lot and she's smiling, now she's laughing. I don't think she's under any kind of threat, Jack."

"Just get the plate number." And he hangs up.

Greg rolls his eyes and tries his best to pretend to be a student and walks toward a random car. He watches them from afar and sees them climb into a car. He grabs his camera and takes a few shots of the number.

"I can't believe we're done." Ethan wipes some sweat off his forehead. He looks over at Dani who still seems to be looking at the painting carefully, for any adjustments that could be made. He stares at her, feeling happy and more full of life. When she appeared in his life, he didn't expect for her to make him a different person. Before he was somewhat cold hearted and only cared for his wellbeing, now he cares about her and how she feels. He has also become more closer to his father, which he hadn't realized made him feel even more complete.

"It looks perfect." She stands and smiles at their piece of art. "The watercolor really helps the painting stand out."

They both hear a knock and Michael enters, "dinner is ready."

"We'll go down in a minute, but come look dad. We finally finished it." Ethan tells him.

Michael walks towards them and focuses on the now painted canvas. "This is amazing, you guys did a phenomenal job. Your professor better let you keep it because it'll have its place in the living room." He smiles down at both of them.

"Here's the plate number," Greg gives Jack a post-it note.

He smiles as he grabs it, "thank you."

"So what are you going to do with it?"

"I have to find out where he lives, that way I have her on watch."

"And how do you plan on tracking the car down with just the number?"

"I have my ways Greg." And soon after, in the screen of his computer, a photograph of the Harris Mansion pops up. "So this is the house. I'm going to give you a copy of this and I want you to watch the house closely. But don't get caught, we don't want them to know that we know Danielle is there."

"Okay," Greg wasn't sure about this anymore. After seeing Dani smiling and laughing with the guy, he didn't think she was in danger. Plus, whenever he would come over and see her, she never looked happy, she always carried a frown, now she was the opposite.

Greg left just after getting the printout, but he didn't know that Jack was planning something as he drove off.

"Levine, I need you to help me with something and I have a feeling you may be interested."

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