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"No, now more than ever I'd love to stay with you all. You've gone through some bad moments, just like me. I've never related so much to someone, but there is something that I must mention about myself." These two men just opened their hearts out to her, now it's time to finally open hers. "I have a dark past of my own. It's a part of me that I'd like to erase from my memory, but it haunts me every single night. The night you caught me in my 'nightmare' I was actually having a flashback to that day." Tears began sliding down her cheek.

Ethan moved closer to her and put an arm around her. "You don't have to say it if it makes you feel this way."

"I have to, I have to tell someone or I won't ever get the help I really need" She wiped her tears with her sleeve. "When I was just 15 years old, I was raped." She took a deep breathe and felt Ethan's arm hold her tighter. Joy had taken a deep gasp, Jeffrey's mouth was formed in an 'o' and Michael covered his face with his right hand, tears sliding down his face. "It all happened in my own home. I had just gotten home from school and everything seemed odd. My parents were both home early and cooking, which is what I normally did. They were treating me great, which was not normal and they told me to sit in the dining table. Suddenly a knock came from the front door and a man came inside. I didn't know who he was, but he exchanged some words with my parents and then they gave him permission to take me upstairs. The rest is a blur, my eyes never left the ceiling and became completely dry. Apparently I was doing my family a favor, but I never found out what it was."

Joy stood and walked toward Dani, "you poor thing." She gave her a tight hug, her tears landing on Dani's shirt. Joy couldn't imagine what she had gone through, just hearing her talk about it made her feel hate toward the people that did this to her.

Ethan, who had taken his arm off her shoulder to allow Joy to hug her, just stayed put on the couch feeling numb. He couldn't move and only looked at the floor. The girl he loves, was raped. So many emotions went through him, the main ones being hate and anger. He then looked over at his father, who had teary eyes and had his hand under his cheek. His eyes then moved to Jeffrey, who was just looking at the ground with tears running down his face. Jeff looked up at Dani and gave her a small smile. He then walked up to her and gave her a hug. "I am so deeply sorry you had to go through that. You're a very, brave young lady."

"Thank you." Dani whispered ever so slightly.

Michael finally stood and hugged Danielle, new tears began coming out causing him to hold her tighter. He didn't want to speak because he didn't know what exactly to say. He slowly parted and held her at arms length and just looked at her. He would never wish this for anyone, not even his biggest enemy. How could any parent let this happen to their own child? In their own home?

He held her once more, soothing her hair and placing a kiss on it. He opened his eyes and looked at Ethan who was still sitting on the couch. Michael slowly separated from Dani and smiled again before going back to his chair.

Ethan tapped Dani on the shoulder and grabbed her hands when she turned. He told himself not to cry in front of her, but when he looked at her beautiful face he broke down. He brought her to a hug and the tears just kept coming. "I love you so much, and I love you even more now." He held her at arms length and looked into her eyes. "I will do anything to protect you from now on. I won't allow anyone to put a finger on you. I promise to be by your side every single chance I get."

"Oh Ethan." She cried as she hugged him.

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