Shots Fired

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Hi! My name is Aliyah Shell, I'm six years old. I live on 3100 South Springfield Ave. I always hear shots fired..I don't know what that means.. It was March 17, 2012. Mommy was making my hair pretty. We were on the porch; me, Mommy, and my sister (she's two.) A truck came by, not the ice cream one, this one was mean. He had a bad toy outside the window.. Seven loud noises came out. I felt all of them..I wondered, "Did they know that's how old I was turning this year?"

My name is Alex, I'm twenty-three. I'm from East LA. I was on my way to see my girl 'cause ain't no woman like the one I got! It was May 17..I couldn't wait to hold her, to touch her - but something touches me unexpectedly. Everything is fading out, even the screams of me yelling help. I'm becoming more familiar with my eyelids. "Baby..I love you.."

My name is Candice, I'm twenty-six. They say curiosity killed the cat, but I'm human. It was May 20th.. I heard gunshots. I hurried to my door to see a gun being aimed at a man on a bike. I guess the streets didn't teach him how to shoot 'cause now I see my own blood running loose. Do you believe in second chances?

My name is Calvin Williams, I'm thirty-nine years young. Five years ago I was almost buried six feet deep! But I survived, right arm slightly paralyzed, my leg with a limp.. But I got four kids; my twelve year old, my nine year old, my eight year old, and four. I had to change my life, but on May 9th somebody thought otherwise. We ordered pizza. Shots rung out. My spouse runs out followed by my eight year old who says, "Daddy get up!" My heart rate lowers.. "I'm sorry baby, no third chances.. It's time for Daddy and the angels to go dancing."

My name is Kathon Anderson, I was fourteen when I killed an innocent bystander. I didn't know he was married with two kids two years younger than me! It wasn't my fault! I'm in the eighth grade.. I see my enemy aboard the B15. It's kill or be killed, I shot at him six times, am I gonna do life for this? It wasn't even my gun, it was my brothers..

We wish we could silence the sirens. 

"What's wrong with the world, Mama?" Senseless guns and gang violence by the misguided..

I'm Monte Tillman, I was thirty-three. Shot and killed May 20th.

I'm Joseph Coleman, I was eighteen. Shot and killed September 18th.

I'm Yolanda Holmes, a grown woman, I was forty-five! Shot and killed December 14th.

I'm David Jerome Scott, I was thirty-one when my city CPD turned on me. Shot and killed May 21st.

I'm Anna Ortiz, I was only nineteen. Shot and killed April 30th.

My name is Alicia Gomez, fourteen, riding my bike home. Shot and killed December 14th.

I'm Juliana, I was 24. Shot and killed on Christmas..Happy birthday Jesus.

There are two hundred fifty-five of us in LA killed by gun violence. We pray our killers look in the mirror and see our souls through the bullet holes they created. Still hope they find peace and enjoy their temporary hood fame..

'Cause everybody gon' respect the shooter, but the one in front of the gun lives forever..

-Created and produced by Youth Speaks/Brave New Voices (Poem written and performed by Walter Finney, Kyland Turner, Zariya Allen, and Rhiannon McGavin.)

Note: It was kind of difficult making out some of the words, I hope I did well though. I also took time to look up all of the victims mentioned in this poem.. It was quite heartbreaking reading what happened to them.. 

Please let my know if there are any poems or songs you would like to recommend<3 Have a good morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night. ~Shianne

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