Natsu p.o.v

This can't be happening. I said to no one in particular "Natsu you in here" gray my boyfriend and the father of my baby said. I put the pregnancy test in the cabin and run out the bathroom. "yea I'm here" I said as he came in the room. "Hey are you okay, why are you crying" he ask wapping them away "im just happy your here, you've been gone for a long time". I said trying to convince him I'm okay. I can see he didn't believe me but let it go knowing I didn't what to take about it "well Okay love, I'm gong to take a shower." "Okay" he gave me a kiss and want to the bathroom.

What am I going to do? What if gray don't want kids, what if he leaves me. It's going to mess up his life. What should I do?!?

I made dinner that night. And told him I loved him more the normal. It got to the point he started to worry about me and watch my ever move.

When he want to sleep that night I packed everything. And looked at him one last time, goodbye my love.


Five years later

Natsu to p.o.v

"Get back here snowflake" I yelled to my daughter as I ran after her. It's been a great five years. I love my new home, I love my daughter, I just love my life, it's been so long since I seen gray. I miss him so much but this is for the best. Now he can live his life and not worry about taking care of a kid. Snowflake's my life I would be nothing with out her.

Sometimes I think I did the wrong thing not telling him about snowflake. But then I tell myself it's for the best, now I'm starting to disagree.

"Daddy can we grow some flowers". She said coming over to me now done with running. "Yes we can, but we have to go buy some seeds okay". She look at me with excitement in here eye's "let's go get some now daddy let's go, let's go". She said grabbing me and taking me to the door. "Okay" so with that we were on or way to the store.

"Come on baby girl". I said picking her up and taking her in the store.

Time skip

When we got all the seeds we wanted we left." Now we can grow flowers right daddy" snowflake said look up a me. "Yes baby we ca- I wasn't able to finish because someone bummed in to me "sorry my fault". I said looking up and stopped "Natsu" I heard gray's voice and with him was Happy, Lucy and Erza I'm in deep now.

"Natsu is that you what happened to you" Lucy ask "daddy who dat". I look at her then deen down and pick her up "nobody let's go".

"Natsu" I once again heard gray's cracking voice say and I once again look at him. "What happened to you why did you leave the guild, why did you leave me". His voice shaking at the end "I-I had to" I said "come on daddy let's grow some flowers". Snowflake said getting everyone to look at her, see snowflake had gray's hair with my eyes and she was a tomboy to the fullest. "Who's that". Erza said. I can't "look I have to go, I can't do this right now."

"Than let us come with you" said gray. I look at them, if I just leave they'll fallow so why not. Just for now, they don't have to know about anything."Fine come on" I said as I start on my way home, this is going to be a long day.

Okay so that's it tell me if it's good or not and I know I parable have a lot of spelling errors and I'm sorry about that.


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