Bringing them to the Theater

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"Leaving, were leaving" Hiccup said bringing his stuff and going to the cove, once he was there, instead of seeing Toothless he saw a dark green portal as it started to glow brighter till Hiccup couldn't see anything.

Merida sat in her chair uncomfortable with her tight dress, watching everything unfold, suddenly a red portal appeared in the middle as it grew brighter till no one can see anymore.

Hiccup was sitting on the ground, cold, as Baby Tooth was with him, Baby Tooth went in Jacks thing in his hoodie (is it a hoodie?) Then Jack felt something as he grabbed the item in his pocket, showing a box containing teeth, before anything else happened, an icy blue portal appeared, blinding Baby Tooth and Jack.

Big Hero 6
Hiro was clueless when he was trying to think of an invention, as suddenly before anyone can talk, a purple portal appeared, blinding them.

Elsa was on the stairs as Anna watched in amazement, suddenly a light blue portal appeared taking them and blinding them (Im lazy, deal with it).

Rapunzel was sitting on the boat with Eugene and then started singing, after singing a bright sun like shaped yellow portal appeared, blinding them.

At the Theater
Everyone appeared in a room with dark brown room, multiple chairs close to the thing in the wall/screen, a red colored carpet, grey and light blue striped chairs, Stoick yelled "WHERE ARE WE?!" As everone was now yelling as suddenly they heard someone talking with someone else "We will start with Frozen, thats final" and another voice joined in the conversation "Yeah, ye, i dont care" the other voice sounded lazy while the first one was demanding.

The doors that no one saw opened as two girls came in, one has orange hair with red tips in a ponytail, and the other purple in a ponytail "Ah, you guys are here, go get your spots for the chairs, I dont care which you pick, but dont pick the one on the very front, please" The orange haired girl said, she had green lazy and bagged eyes as she havent slept in a while, tan skin, white shirt with the words 'Im not Lazy, Im on Energy Saving Mode', crimson hoodie, jeans, black shoes, a yellow belt with a weird round device with a red top and white downside, and it also had a button in middle with a shiny blue 'P' on the top. (Me)

The purple haired girl grinned, fangirling in the inside, she wore a yellow shirt, green jacket, pink skirt, brown shoes, and the same belt but colored purple and the P is a 'E'. (Cousin)

Everyone took their seats while the gang (aka the main characters, + Eugene, Tadashi) didnt find a spot as they were confused but remained silent.

"Im Vicky btw, Vicky McAlister, and this is my cousin Lilly, Lilly McAlister" Orange haired girl named Vicky said as she pointed to Lilly who is the purple haired girl.

"So I will explain some stuff, you guys will be watching a movie, and btw a movie is some moving pictures, you guys will watch your future unfold as you see your future" Lilly said as everyone was yelling that seeing the future is impossible, and Vicky conjured a horn, blowing it making everone shutting up "Much better, Ill say the rest, okay, Hiccup, your seat is the green one beside the stone slab, Rapunzel sit on the purple chair with a sun, Eugene sit at the black one beside her, Hiro and Tadashi, both of yours are purple with a robot design on it, Merida sit on the red one, Elsa, yours is the icy blue with a snowflake, Jack, yours is the same color but with a snowball, Anna yours is brown with a white stripe" (tell me if i forgot someone)Vicky said, also adding "Dont worry about Baymax as he is fine in the back, and the dragons are above you" and as soon she said that everyone looked up to see dragons, Vikings yelled as they reach their hands to their weapons only to find them gone, and before anyone yelled they couldnt talk anymore.

"Oh, and by the way Hiccup, you special friend is fine" Vicky added (no not THAT friend, jeez get yo mind outta gutter)

"Enough talking lets watch the first Movie Frozen!" As Lilly said that Elsa froze in fear, Jack notices this and instantly becomes confused.

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