Kawaaiiii spock oneshot (spirk)

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Jim's phone hummed. He ignored it, continuing what he was doing. It chirped again, and he sighed and checked it. Bones... two new messages. An image and the accompanying text of:

Do you think this will make him embarrassed? 😋

Do you even know how to use emojis? Jim texted back.

Just look at the picture! 🙄😘🤓

Jim sighed and opened up the picture... and promptly burst out laughing.

 and promptly burst out laughing

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(Edited by WoodenSky)

A few crew members stared at him, but Jim was unable to stop laughing.

I take it you are laughing too hard to reply? 😂😍😧

You made this?????? Omg it's hilarious! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Jim took a hiccuping breath.

So will it embarrass him?


Jim bit his lip and took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. He tried not to look at the picture as he locked his phone.

Someone cleared their throat behind him. Jim sucked in his laughter and looked around. His eyes fell on Spock, and his breath hitched as he imagined a flower crown and cat ears on Spock. His first officer frowned slightly.

"Is everything alright, sir?"

Jim tried not to laugh, his body shaking. He made a grating sound in the back of his throat, unable to contain it. Erupting into giggles he looked away from Spock in an attempt to unsee the kawaii. But, dear reader, be warned that once you see the kawaii you can never unsee the kawaii.

"Are you okay sir? Is there something on my head?"

This comment just made Jim laugh more, gasping in air. He felt lightheaded and placed his hand on Spock's shoulder, trying to hold himself up. His legs felt weak.

"So... kawaii...!" Jim choked out, leaning against Spock, his whole body shaking with laughter. Spock held his arm in an attempt to prop him up.

"I'm sorry but 'kawaii' is not in my vocabulary. Would you like to visit the medical bay, captain?"

Jim was laughing so hard he couldn't reply at first. "Oh, it huuuurts," he moaned, referring to the dull ache in his stomach from laughing too much. Spock looked even more concerned.

"Let's go to the medical bay, sir. Doctor McCoy should be able to find out what is wrong with you"

Doctor McCoy did exactly the opposite when he saw Spock dragging a hysterical Jim into the medical bay. Jim took a deep breath and managed to  quell the laughter. This lull didn't last long, as Jim and Bones met eyes and dissolved back into laughter.

Dear reader, take a moment to imagine how confused Spock must be at this point.

(Bish whaaaaaaaaaa

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(Bish whaaaaaaaaaa...?)

"Is this a contagious disease shared only by humans?" he asked Bones. The doctor took a deep breath.

"You wouldn't understand."

"I would if you explained it to me, doctor. I am sure I'll be able to help in some way."

Jim coughed, still grinning from ear to ear. "The only way you'd be able to help us is to put on a flower crown," he gasped - he and Bones started to laugh once more.

Bones's face got serious and he closed his eyes, taking a breath through 'o' shaped lips. "I am calm," he whispered, and bit his lip. "I'm going to have to go before I burst a blood vessel." He hurried off.

Jim cleared his throat, sighing. He ached from so much laughter. Spock put his hand on Jim's shoulder. "Jim, are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine." Jim bit his lip. Spock dropped his hand.

"Would you mind telling me what caused your spontaneous fit of uncontrollable laughter?"

Jim sighed. "You won't like it."

Spock quirked one eyebrow up. Jim took out his phone and showed the image Bones had sent him. Spock's face slowly went green. He looked as if he were about to throw up.

"Did... did Doctor McCoy make that?"

"Are you blushing Spock?" Jim snorted. Spock looked down, appearing meek for the first time in the period Jim had known him. Jim laughed gently. "Don't worry, I think it's cute."

"Cute, captain?" Spock looked up through his lashes. Jim felt like screaming with kawaiiness.

"Adorable, even. You with a flower crown is goddamn adorable."

Spock moved closer, smiling softly. Jim raised his hand to rest on Spock's cheek. Leaning forward, Spock gently brushed his lips against Jim's, a shudder running through both of them like an electric current.

Spock lifted his head up, and Jim pulled it back down, crashing their lips together more passionately. There was a smashing sound and they both sprung apart to see a shocked McCoy with a small broken bottle at his feet. The shocked look on his face merged into a grin.

Jim looked back at Spock, his face splitting into a smile as well.

"I still think you look better with a flower crown."

The end!

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The end!

Spock is so KAWWWWAAAAIIIII (old work)Where stories live. Discover now