Nekooooo Spock (spirk part two)

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(Sequel to the first)
Jim shifted, his head laying on Spock's legs. Bones was experimenting on a small rat with some powdered chemical they had found on the planet they had beamed down to just an hour before. Spock had inhaled some of the chemical, and immediately become drowsy and half asleep.

Jim glanced up at Spock. "It's actually peaceful, you know, since he never sleeps and he is now. Watching him sleep makes me tired."

"It makes me want to draw a moustache on his face with a permanent marker," Bones muttered.

Jim snorted. "Now that would be a sight." He turned his head, nuzzling his nose into Spock's tummy and trying to imagine him with a moustache. It was funny, but not very cute. His mind was transported to images of the leader of Indonesia back centuries ago, Jusuf Kalla.

Bones made a small exclamation. "My god, I think I've discovered a new chemical!" he practically shouted, and stood suddenly. "Research. More tests," he murmured and rushed out before Jim could say anything.

Jim closed his eyes, thinking about what Spock would look like with marker on his face. What would be best to draw on Spock? It was an excellent idea for a prank, only there was nothing good enough to draw on Spock. He thought back to the beginning of his and Spock's relationship, a bit more than a month ago. Suddenly Jim smiled and sat up, the perfect idea embedded into his mind.

Trying to look through the nearest desk as quietly as possible, Jim rummaged around until he found what he needed - a permanent marker. Snickering quietly, he tiptoed back to the sleeping Vulcan. Drawing onto his boyfriend's face Jim stuck out his tongue slightly, trying not to press too hard and wake him.

Finally his work of art was done, and Jim stepped back to admire Spock's face. It was slightly asymmetrical, but Jim decided that added to the cuteness. He felt like squealing in delight like a little girl, but had to stop himself. He didn't want Spock to wake.

The Comm chirped, and Uhura requested that he come to the bridge. Spock shifted slightly, and Jim bit his lip. He pressed a kiss to Spock's forehead and hurriedly made his way to the bridge.

It was about twenty minutes after Jim had arrived on the bridge and sat himself in THE CHAIR that Spock decided to come up as well. The doors opened and Spock strode in, completely oblivious to the coloured tip of his nose and cat whiskers drawn predominantly on his face in permanent marker. The occupants of the bridge stared at him.

Jim was the first one to crack, as he had known what was coming. As soon as he started roaring with laughter more joined in, until the entire bridge was laughing at poor Spock. Said latter was frowning slightly and wondering what was so funny about himself.

Now it must be noted, dear reader, that Spock was not a vain type of person. This combined with the lack of mirrors on The Enterprise made sure that he was probably not going to realise the full extent of his boyfriend's 'little' prank until a good while later. However the sudden outburst from the members of the bridge set him on edge. He knew there was something wrong with his face, he just didn't know what. And, naturally, he would head straight to Jim to find out.

"Captain," Spock addressed Jim normally. They hadn't disclosed their romance to anyone but Bones. Jim tried to hold his laughter in but it made a strange grating sound in his throat and nose. Spock frowned even more, the most emotion he had shown on his face in a while.

Spock is so KAWWWWAAAAIIIII (old work)Where stories live. Discover now