-Watch Where You're Going Nerd!-

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-Watch Where You're Going Nerd!-

Chloe's POV


Ugh! Why can't my alarm not go off....

I quickly slip out of bed, knowing that my father will come in any minute, and will try abusing me. AGAIN.

My dad has been beating me since my mom disappeared. It was all my fault. I forced my little sister: Hannah and my older brother: Brandon to come with my mom and I to go get Christmas presents, and the truck wasn't supposed to hold more then two people. And I blame myself for it. My dad was crushed. He tried to forget about her, or rather grieve but he couldn't. So he started drinking, and it made him angry at me, because I look like an younger version of my mom, and it kills my dad.

I quickly run to my closet, and grab an Adidas Black Crop Top, and a pair of skinny jeans.

I quickly change into my outfit, and brush my blonde hair quickly, brush my teeth, and put on some mascara and lipgloss.

Just because I'm, an nerd, doesn't mean I can't dress regularly or wear makeup, right?

I quickly grab some socks, when I walk out of the bathroom, and pair them up with a pair of uggs, and quickly unplug my phone and throw it in my back pocket. I quickly grab my big ass purse and throw it over my shoulder,

I walk over to my mirror, and look at my figure.

I'm the ugliest thing out there..

My mom used to always say that I had the most beautiful body ever. But I don't. She said I had the curviest body ever. But I chose not to believe her.

I didn't even get to say goodbye to her, or Brandon, or Hannah.

I quickly take a quickly breath and walk towards my bedroom door.

I turn around again, and look at my bedroom,
Here goes another boring day with misery.

I turn back towards the door, open it but making sure to be quiet so I don't wake my dad if he's sleeping, and shut the door behind me.

I quickly run down the stairs, quietly and run out the door and shutting it behind me.

I quickly hop in my 2015 Chevrolet Corvette Z06, and shut the door.

I had gotten this three years ago, from my parents for my birthday, we used to be rich, my dad had an company and was the CEO of my dad's car company, and my was her own CEO at her fashion company. I was supposed to be following in her steps. Because I truly love fashion and cars, but I didn't get a chance because my mom abandoned us after Brandon's mad Hannah's death, leaving her other poor daughter who blamed herself for their deaths, and left her amazing husband who loved his whole family, and turned into an alcoholic, and dropped his job.

I buckle up, and quickly drive off to my favorite Coffee place: Starbucks.

I quickly get out, and run inside, and walk up into the line.

When it's my turn, I walk up, and start ordering a regular mint frap.

I pay and walk out, after getting my frap.

I pull out my phone, after taking a sip, and start scrolling through Instagram.

As I'm walking,I don't pay any attention, while walking I feel a chest push into me and push me to the ground, as my frap spills all over my brand new crop top.

"Watch where your going nerd!" I hear a familiar voice, and look up to see, Christopher Coon. My latest crush, also know as the school's player/ badass.

I quickly get up, and grab my phone and frap, and breath in before I throw a punch at him.

As my fist collides with his face I pull back and groan at how hard that hurt.

"Who are you calling a nerd?! You asshole! You slammed into me! Now I'm leaving to get out of your face, Mr. Badass, who breaks hearts, and is perfect and Mr. Rich. Don't bother talking to me again." I say back, and bump my shoulder into his, HARD. And I walk into the bathroom, after throwing away my Frap, and run into a stall.

Thank god I have extra clothes in my purse!

I quickly take off my wet crop top that's full of minty chocolate frap spilt on it and throw it in the garbage.

It was getting old anyways.

I grab my extra black Adidas crop top over my head and fit it on my body.

I check for any dirty spots on my jeans, in case I have to change those two.

I quickly see a huge dark spot on the back of my jeans that is right on my butt, and change out of the old jeans and throw those away too. I change into my extra jeans shorts, and change out of my uggs, and throw them in my purse, and grab my Nikes shoes and throw them on.

I quickly open the stall door and walk over to the mirror and quickly wash my hands. I look at myself in the mirror, not recognizing myself, and checking if I look good.

I walk out of the bathroom, and quickly re-order my mint chocolate Frap but I get a large this time.

I pay for my frap and walk out, hopping into my car, and driving off, but not before I sip on my frap.

I quickly run inside the school, after turning off my car and locking it.

I walk to my locker, and open it, grabbing my books, and rushing to class, still sipping on my frap.

Today's gonna be a long day, considering I punched the badass of the school... Here goes nothing...

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