chapter 2: a million mistakes

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Anthony's p.o.v

After another hour or so, I look at my phone and realize it's 30 minutes past 10.

"We should probably get going." I whisper to Jasmine not taking my eyes off the sky.

"Jasmine?" I ask after receiving no reply. I roll over on my side and see Jasmine fast asleep. I chuckle to myself as I carefully pick her up and place her softly in the car. I throw the blanket into the back of the car and start driving. Every few minutes, I look over at Jasmine and can't help but smile. Everything she does makes my heart want to jump of my chest. After we get back to her apartment, I pick her up quietly and carry her inside. I softly walk down the halls to her bedroom and place her on her bed trying not to make a sound. I grab the nearest blanket and place it on her.

"Goodnight jazzy. I love you." I whisper giving her a soft kiss on the forehead before leaving her room. I walk back over to my apartment and collapse in my bed. Oh my god did I really just do that? Did I really just kiss my best friend? Did I really say I loved her? I try to fall asleep but these thoughts keep washing over me like waves crashing on a shoreline. I finally fall asleep hours later. I wake up to the sound of something hitting my window. I bolt straight up in bed see Jasmine throwing pebbles at my window.

"Jasmine what the hell are you doing?" I shout as I throw open the window

"It's 7am! School starts in 30 minutes!" She screams

"Shit." I mumble under my breath before rushing to get ready. I throw on a clean shirt and jeans before sprinting out of the apartment.

"Let's go!" I yell unlocking the car

After we call down and realize we're not going to be late, we start talking.

"So last night was fun." I say breaking the science

"Yeah about that.." Jasmine says trailing. Oh no, we had if she heard me and hates me. I push these thoughts aside.

"What about it?" I ask taking in a deep breath

"It was fun. We should definitely do it again." Jasmine smiles

"Absolutely." I grin as we pull into the parking lot of the school. We step out and I see Jesse there, waiting for her. I roll my eyes as she jumps out of the car to hug him and kiss him. I hate him. I hate him because he has her. I hate him because he hurt her and then pulled her back in. I sigh as I hop out of the car and trudge into the school. I sulk against Lin's locker waiting for him.

"Hey Anthony." Lin says opening up his locker

"Hi Lin." I mumble

"Everything alright? You seem a little blue." He chuckles

"Yeah yeah yeah just tired." I lie

"Mhm, surrrrreee. You excited for the bonfire tonight?" Lin asks grabbing some books and stuffing them in his bag. I completely forgot about the bonfire, a lot of people are singing or performing at it.

"Oh yeah, it'll be fun." I say not really paying attention

"Are you going to perform?" Lin asks shouldering his backpack

"Me?" I chuckle

"Yeah, you totally should." Lin says seriously

"I don't know maybe." I sigh

"Think about it." Lin says walking away

7 hours later

"Lin wait up!" I shout running after him

"Yeah Anthony?" He asks turning around 

"I think I wanna perform at the bonfire." I say out of breath from running after him

"Perfect, I'll sign you up. What song do you want to sing?" He asks pulling out a pad of paper

"Jesse's Girl." I say after thinking about. Lin questioningly raises an eyebrow at me before jotting it down.

"Thanks Lin. I'll see you later." I grin before running towards my car. I almost get sick to my stomach when I get to my car, I see Jasmine making out with Jesse against the door of my car.

"Let's go Jasmine." I growl opening up my door

"Bye Jesse." She says sweetly before climbing in the passengers seat.

"What the hell was that Anthony?!" Jasmine screeches buckling her seatbelt

"What was what?" I ask innocently

"You know what!" She shouts "you were so rude to him!"

"So?" I ask starting up my car

"So? So! He's my boyfriend and I want you two to get along! You're my best friend!" She yells. Best friend I think to myself. I hate that word.

"Okay." I sigh "I'm sorry Jasmine, I'll try and be nicer to him."

"Thank you." She grins "are you excited for the bonfire?" Jasmine asks changing the subject.

"Yeah. I'm going to perform too." I say sheepishly

"Anthony! That's great! What song are you singing?"

"It's a surprise." I grin

"Well I'm excited." Jasmine smiles

'Yeah, me too' I think to myself

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2017 ⏰

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