New Life

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I feel weird when i awake, i dont feel like im alive, the pain is still there, but seems to be followed by some type of pleasure that i cant explain.I open my eyes to find the same chanber i was in when i started feeling dead, no body is in as far as i can see, it seems extremely dark, darker that from what i remember, i dont know weather it is safe to rise or not given its silent.I rise wary and wide eyed,I look around despretly to make sure i dont run into anybody i would not like to bump into then start of into the corridor i was standing in front of to the saftey of the guest room.

On the way there i found myself walking past a whole load of vampires, remembering about Shadow i decide to move faster, the sooner i get to the room the faster i can get away from the menacing creatures.When i got to the room i found it was locked,

"Drat!" I shouted out loud louder that i was intending to, I got a few weird  stares from people around me, then they just continued to their business.

" Are you lost?" a deep voice from behind me asked quitely 

"No, its just locked," i responded

" Well you can stay in my room if you want to,"" my name is Diablo i am the son of Shadow, the leader and lord of this place" he explained

" Right...Diablo, thanks for the offer but before i agree can you ask your father if he can unlock the room please?"I asked concered about his offer, if i agree does that mean i would have to sleep with him in his room, considering i despised his kind.Diablo disturbed my train of thought,

" Right, come with me and i'll see if i can convince him to unlock it,"He said whilest making a guesture towards the door.

In silence we walked down a long corridor, vampires tryed a stare at me but they got a dirty look from Diablo, given that warning they contuned on with their day. Finaly we ended up bumping into Shadow, his fangs where hanging out of his mouth again, and his bare chest was gleeming with fresh human blood.I cowered behind Diablo afraid Shadz would use me as food,That was when it hit me. The reason i was in that chanber and why i woke up there....

I remembered that i'm a vampire and that ShadZo was the one that made me a vampire. He was the one who gave me that dead feeling before i woke up.

Before I could control myself I found myself jumping through the air, Right over Diablo's head and land on Shadow's chest licking the blood uncontrolobly.Shadow reached his huge blood-soaked arm and lifed my basicly weightless body of of his blood-soaked chest and placed me down on the floor

" I guess its time that i take another one of my steroids, i'm getting a bit smal if someone as small as her can jump on to my chest at the sight of blood."Shadow said with some amusment in his voice

" Sorry, i didn't know what was happening  and before i knew it i was jumping through the air to get to the blood and your chest,im sorry, it will never happen again"I apoligised desperate that he would forgive me,

"Don't worry youre not as bad as me when my vampire came back from years of unuse and no blood." He responded with a calm tone.

"What do you mean"unuse and no blood"I responded more curisoty than intended in my voice

"First, you have to sleep with Diablo tonight because the guest room is in use because someone else human is in it" he explained"I will explain the detials of my past later when i have got you settled into Diablo's room."

"OK.." I said unsure"But I've got one question,"

"Yes" he said with antisipation

"Do I have to sleep in the same bed as him?"

"Well the first few nights you will have to, due to us having a lack of bed's but you should have a bed in the next three days" he explained,"also I have told him to control his......penis."

"Ok...was that supposed to be reasurring or something 'cos it made me feel even more uncomfortable"I said scared he would give me a shouting for having a cheeky tone to my voice 

"Don't worry,I'm well under control of my little freind," Diablo said reaching down and giving the lump in his trousers a little jiggle,

"Ewww, please not in front of me, right after I just found out i have to sleep with you for a few nights"I  blurted out really disturbed by his guesture.

"Now Diablo you don't want to give your self an errection, especialy not in front of a girl," Shadow teased

" Can we just get the fucking room sorted out please!" Diablo suddenly shouted out while baring his teeth


Five minutes later we where in Diablo's room which was right next to Shadow's which filled me with relief.Diablo's room was a huge chanber,with black markings on the walls gave the impresion that he is guite high up in the control chain.There is very little furniture a chest of draws and some boxes  which where filled to the brim black clothes, one box had a pair of black Calvin Klein boxers poking out the top of it.In the centre of the room was a grand double bed which looked so comfy and looked like black fluffy clouds. Diablo pointed at a far part of the room

" That's where you will keep your stuff,please stay in that bit of the room because i kind of have my personal items that i don't want you touching," he explained in a calm strong tone

" I understand about all that what not and i will keep my stuff in the desinated area, but can you put you're underwear in the box in such a way that it doesn't poke out of the top of the box,please"

" Fine..." he huffed at my comment

Shadow disrupted our conversation,

"Meet you both in an hour at the main hall, both of you"Shadow said with something in his voice that made you think he would doubt us

He left the room, we waited until the thumping of his boots faded away and then I went to the area at the far side of the room. 

" So this is my area huh, a bit small considering you have the the whole room basicly," I comented with something smug in my tone 

" Come on how much do you think im going to give you, its my room so my rules so i recommend shutting your big mouth smug face," Diablo remarked with some trace of anger in his voice 

" Ok i wont push my luck but will i have one designated area of the bed as well?" hoping i would get a big bit of the bed considering i got a small bit of the room

"No...I was hoping to give you as much as you want because....." he trailed off

"Oh ,come on!Youre now going to tell me you love me arn't you? its a bit early i only just met you,you know"I shouted quite pissed off at his previous statement

" Ok i admit it i love you" he confessed

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