Talk to Him

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Sanji stood shocked about what Zoro had done. His hand rose to touch his lips softly. But, Sanji's feet moved on there own and dashed to the door and threw it open. He noticed Zoro looking at the door before he turned away to leave.

"Zoro wait!" Sanji called.

But he kept walking, Sanji furrowed as he tried to catch up to Zoro, but once he got to the door. Zoro had already high tailed it out of there while Sanji stood outside the restaurant clutching his hands together. He sighed going back inside. He went into the back room to clean up the lunch. His mind clean of the song, but, the lingering touch of Zoro's lips on his own. Sanji's mind playing over the scene, memorizing Zoro's shut eyes, and how gentle he was. Sanji sighed putting away the dishes before pulling his phone out. He slumped to the floor hugging his knees as he called Yonji.

At home, Yonji sat in the backyard tossing a tennis ball he and Sanji used to play with. Chopper chased it down and snatched it up before running up to Yonji. He dropped the ball having Yonji chuckle and pick it up. He tossed it again having Chopper bolt after it. His phone started to buzz earning Yonji's attention. He pulled out his phone and grinned to Sanji's caller ID. He answered it and pressed it to his ear. His smile faded when he heard Sanji sigh.

"Sanji? Is everything okay?" Yonji asked.

"I took him to the house, I made him lunch, I wiped away his messy face, then. He kissed me. I couldn't think of anything to do, but when I finally made up my mind. He pulled back and left without another word." Sanji said.

"I can talk to him."

"No, leave it be. I'm going to come home early. I need to rest."

"But Choppers here, Zoro might come over to get him."

"Then I'll stay here, I can rest in pops room."

"Sorry Sanji, I just wanted to help."

"Thanks for trying."

Sanji hung up, as Yonji turned back to Chopper dropping the ball.

"Hey boy, you want to help?" Yonji smirked.

Chopper barked, as Yonji explained the plan. He was surprised Chopper could understand him. Which Yonji went inside to give him a treat for understanding him. As the evening hit, Zoro knocked on the door having Chopper scramble to the door as Yonji went to answer it. Zoro took off his hat and put it under his arm as Yonji opened the door. Yonji leaned against the doorframe.

"Is Sanji here?" Zoro asked, "I want to apologize about this afternoon."

"Sorry he's still at work, what happened?"

"I had an urgent matter to attend to, so I kissed him and left. I probably came on a bit strong. But. I'd like to see him again."

Yonji blinked, "Oh, well I'll pass on the message."

Chopper sat next to Zoro and batted his tail against the pavement. Zoro turned to him and pursed his lips.

"As for you." Zoro said.

Chopper stopped wagging his tail and folded back his ears.

"I don't know if I should be mad at you or impressed." Zoro said.

He tilted his head as Zoro looked to there house, and the gap between there houses. Zoro patted his head and chuckled.

"That's quite a jump." Zoro said.

Chopper was back to his happy self as he and Zoro headed back to there house. But he stopped and turned to Yonji. He chuckled and nodded as Chopper barked and followed Zoro back to there house. Yonji shut the door and pulled out his phone. He pressed Sanji's name and pressed his phone to his ear.

"Okay he picked up Chopper now, you can come home you baby."

"I am not a baby!" Sanji barked.

"Fine, cry baby."

"I'm going to kill you."

"Awe the baby is making threats."

"I'm older then you by eight minutes so shut up."

Yonji rolled his eyes, "Whatever just come home."

"Is Luffy over?"

"No, Ace called saying he had to come home."

"Ah alright, well see you soon."

Sanji hopped off the couch, leaving the house and locked the door. The restaurant was closed with a few cooks still cleaning up. Sanji said his goodbyes as he headed out of the restaurant and on his way home. He sighed holding himself close, the frigid air rippling over his skin.

"Should of brought a jacket." Sanji muttered.

Sanji headed down the street back to his house. Once he got home, there was a note on the door.

'Went to go get some dinner.' Yonji

He grumbled as he struggled to open the door. He locked the door. Sanji shuddered and looked to their bedroom window. Sanji unlocked the gate and noticed the bedroom window was open. He furrowed as he climbed up into there room and hopped inside. He shut the window and headed downstairs. He pulled a blanket off the couch and around his shoulders.


Sanji stiffened as he turned to Chopper wagging his tail and in the middle of the living room. Then the door was knocked on. Chopper then bolted to the door and sat before it. Sanji clutched the blanket and headed to the door, he hesitated before reaching the door knob. He opened the door and Zoro stood barefoot in some shorts and a tank top. He shuddered as Sanji looked up to him.

"Oh, Sanji. Your home." He said.

"Zoro, I want to talk about earlier. I-"

"Can you let me in first, it's freezing."

Sanji smiled softly and let him inside. Zoro rubbed his hands together as Sanji shut the door. He turned to Zoro holding up Chopper's chin.

"Alright the first time was impressive. The second is now getting to me. Stop jumping into his house." Zoro said.

Chopper whined, before Zoro sighed and scratched behind his ears. Sanji stood in the blanket as Zoro turned to him. Sanji felt confidence build up in him. He took a breath and approached Zoro. He grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to his level and kissed him. It was Zoro's turn to be surprised. But it didn't take him long before he kissed Sanji back. Arms wrapping around him and pulled him in deeper. Sanji let go of his collar and wrapped his arms around his neck. Sanji pulled back, now confused. Zoro cocked a brow to the confused look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Zoro asked.

"When you kissed me, you left so suddenly? But. Why did you. Stay?" Sanji asked.

Zoro chuckled, "I had to go earlier. I was called in last minute, but. This time. I'm here to stay."

Sanji blushed, "So you do like me?"

"I couldn't say no to that face. Now shut up and kiss me more."

"Yes, chief."

Zoro grinned as they kissed once more. Behind Sanji's shyness there was a perverted tease on the inside. His tongue darted out licking Zoro's bottom lip. But Zoro knew how to play dirty. Who bit Sanji's bottom lip and tugged softly. Zoro's hands began to wander a bit lower to Sanji's ass and squeezed lightly. He hummed softly before they staggered back when the door opened. Yonji stood with two bags of take out. Unaware of what just happened.

"Oh, Zoro, I'm surprised to see you here." He said.

Chopper barked and approached Yonji. He pulled out a treat and tossed it to him before heading into the kitchen.

"So, Zoro. You want to join us for dinner?" Yonji asked.

"I'd love to." Zoro smirked turning to Sanji.

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