Country Fried Yank (Prologue) -Name may change

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"That's final, Aryana!" Her father Angelo Moretti yelled back.

"But, Papa, North Carolina!? There's nothing there! Why can't I just stay at NYU? We are already in the middle of the damn semester." Aryana followed behind her father, she didn't want to leave the security of the big city for some run down back water town.

"You will not use that tone with me, young lady. Now, go pack, we leave for the airport in two hours."

Aryana stalked off to her room to pack. She stuffed as much of her wardrobe into two huge suit cases as she could, then began to fill another with everything else. Packing her laptop, make up bag, shower necessities, jewelry, and a few of her favorite books, as she was throwing the last few things into a carry on bag her cell phone began to sing out playing "Poker Face".

"Hello?" Aryana didn't waste anytime to look at the caller id.

"Ary?" A male voice purred to her striking fear into her.

"Leave me alone!" She began to cry slamming her phone shut. Falling to the floor, the fear had finally become too much to bare.

After a few minutes there was a soft knock at her bedroom door, "Ary, honey? Are you ready..." Angelo's voice was caught in his throat at the sight of his daughter sobbing on the floor. "What's wrong, what happened?"

"He called! He found my new number, Papa." New tears spilled over as she spoke.

"It's okay, I'll figure out something." He gathered up his daughter helping her to her feet, keeping his arms around her protectively,"Come on, we need to get you on that plane and out of this city."

Aryana Moretti was ready to get away, to no longer live in fear, but did she really have to do it at some country hole in the wall town?


Yes I know the prologue isn't long at all, and they aren't supposed to be, they are supposed to catch you attention so you come back for more! LoL. I think I figured out a name but I'm going to keep thinking about it. I may eventually change it if I don't like it! Please let me know what you think! Like I said before this story is going to be based in the town that I grew up in. NO, these aren't real people, but the places I plan on mentioning are! I may even include myself in there some where, not sure yet since I'm just starting this story. I do hope you enjoy the change up from the normal Emo/gothic stuff.... Nothing against emo's or goth's I used to be into all that myself, but we haven't seen anything from the rednecks LOL. So to be strange and out there you get this! :D


<3<3<3<3 Bunches and Bunches


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