Country Fried Yank (Chapter 2)

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"Wow, I can't believe it's 1 am already." Ary eyed her cell phone, "man, I'm exhausted." She wiped her forehead with the back of her hand and flopped down on her bed landing beside Lindsay.

"Tell me about it! But, I must say, that was so much fun." Lindsay sat up admiring their work, they had spent the last 5 hours setting up everything they had bought, now the room looked lived in.

"At least its not so bare anymore." Ary smiled tiredly at Lindsay, "Thank you for helping me out, I don't know what I would of done with out your help." Just then her phone began to sing out, looking at the caller id she saw that it was her father.


"Aryana, did you get to school safely?"

"Yes." She spoke softly turning her back to Lindsay. "It was fine."

"Good. Your car should be arriving by Monday evening, did you get everything you needed for your room?"

"Yes, sir. My new friend, Lindsay drove me to pick up some things." Somethings, that was an understatement, at Wal-Mart alone they racked up over $900, not to mention running to other places.

"Good, just keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary, if you feel threatened call me first."

"Papa, ordinary? Where I am now staying isn't exactly what you would call ordinary." Aryana heard Lindsay huff behind her, she turned and shrugged her shoulder apologectically.

"You know what I mean, Aryana." He rose his voice and spoke with more sterness, "I want you to keep a low profile, and just behave yourself please."

"Yes, Papa." She sighed heavily then snapped her phone shut. She looked over at Lindsay, who had a confused look on her face. "My father is... very protective."

Lindsay seemed to understand she didn't want to talk about it and just nodded. "So you want to meet up in the morning for some breakfast? There is a cafe on campus that serves the best breakfast."

"Yeah, that sounds good."

"Cool. Well I'm going to go bed, but I'll meet you here in the morning."

"Alright." Lindsay bounced out the door shutting it quietly behind her. Deciding to go to bed too, she got up to lock the door as she was flicking the lock over there was a light tap on the door. Confused as to who it was she called out, "Who is it?"


"Jonathan?" She began to rack her head, who was he. She opened the door slightly to peek out, she saw the guy that helped her earlier standing at her door in black sweat shorts and white wife beater. "What do you need?"

"I just wanted to properly introduce myself, I was kinda rude earlier when I spoke to you at Lindsay's car. I just didn't want to see Lindsay getting taken advantage of again, people tend to do that to her since she is so damn nice." He gave her a dazzling smile that took her breath away. "You okay?" He looked down at her confused.

Aryana shook her head quickly realizing that she was just caught staring at him, " Um.. yeah. itsokay." Speaking so fast the words ran together, her nervousness made him chuckle. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, you just look like you've been caught with you hand in the cookie jar." She blushed and pushed the door open a bit wider.

"Don't flatter yourself." She spat back at him.

"Well, like I said, I just wanted to properly introduce myself, I'm Jonathan Barnes." He held out his tanned hand to her, she took it softly, feeling the rough spots on his palms. Pulling back she could of sworn his hands were as sweaty as her's, could he possibly be as nervous talking to her as she was to him?

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