Chapter 4. :D

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I didn't get in trouble!! Wooooo. But I'm writing at school from now on. Mom's going to be tracking everything we do on the comps. .-. ughh. I think she's still in denial. 

Whatever. She'll get it sooner or later. 


Story time. c:


[Conner's Pov.]

Blake had beat me in quite a few video games. He was really good at them. I secretly let him win once or twice just to see the smile on his face. He really was the most gorgeous boy I had ever seen. I just wish he liked me. Sigh. 

A hand waved in front of my face and I turned to look at him. "Yeah?" I asked blinking a few times. 

"Umm... It's 8 I need to be heading home. It was cool playing games with you for a while.. But I need to go.. Maybe another time? Byee!" Then he ran out. I felt alone then. Why'd he just up and leave? He could have at least let me walk him to the door. I sighed and mentally slapped myself. Shut up Conner. It's none of your business. I walked downstairs to see mom in the kitchen making food. 

"Hey hunny, are you hungry?" I smiled a little and shook my head. I had this.. weird non-hunger feeling. Which was unusual for me. I ate like a pig. 

The phone rang pulling me out of my thoughts and I reached over to pick up the cordless. 


"Hey this is Andy.. I need to ask you something." 



What happens next will be in the next chapter.


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