20. Protective and Jealous

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I’m really excited for this, bear with me.

Honestly, I think MICHAEL has a temper and if he saw some guy flirting with his girl, even though she obviously wanted him to stop, he’d just go over there and kind of push the guy away and probably would end up yelling at him and maybe throwing a few punches. And then he’d pull you away and kiss you, because no one messes with his girl.

But imagine if he had feelings for you and you weren’t together and then he saw you with someone else and at first he’d just think, “Oh, okay,” but then he’d get upset afterwards, because he can’t just all of a sudden barge in with his one-sided love.

Protective ASHTON is probably pretty intimidating, because I imagine him being scary calm. I think he’d walk over with his head held high and he’d just slip an arm around you and turn to the guy that was bothering you and I think he’d politely but firmly tell him to leave you alone; I just don’t see him getting angry in this kind of situation.

And I also think he’d be pretty bad at coping with jealousy, like he’d distance himself a little and you’d definitely be able to tell that something’s wrong, but he wouldn’t want to tell you, because he doesn’t want to step in the way if you’re already happy.

But LUKE used to box, so he could definitely put a guy in his place. And if he saw a guy hitting on you, even if you weren’t dating, he would probably just waltz over there with his jaw clenched and his head held up and slip an arm around your shoulders and if the guy tried to pick a fight, Luke would show him.

And if he liked you and you didn’t know and he saw you out with some other guy, he’d be crushed at first and so sulky, but I think he’d eventually be able to put it aside and just try and be happy for you even if it hurts him.

I feel like jealous CALUM would get pretty irritating. Like if you weren’t together and then he saw you with your boyfriend or a guy you like, he’d get pretty down but also be a jerk to the guy. And it would be really irritating because then the guy would have a really bad imagine of Calum, and you’d be stuck in the middle.

But protective Calum would be both endearing and frightening, because I imagine him as the type to get really close to starting a fight, but you’d have to stop him and when he saw that you’re okay, he’d probably calm down a little, but still end up punching somebody.

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