in which I took forever to update for some reason

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In which I desperately try not to make this chapter influenced by the Thundercats episode playing in the backround, and I also really want some ramen.
Also when frantically trying to get PowerPoint to work for a late school project I found an "Unknown code" in wing dings that I didn't put there and have been yelling at myself about how Undertale trashy i am ever since.

You tread lightly over the flowers, trying not to crush any of the carefully tended plants, which you note have been grown and nurtured there by the still half-filled watering can sitting in the corner.

You've still been feeling uneasy about the fact that there is another being down here with you, especially with the legends surrounding the mountain, but you try to put your worry aside for now. You carefully make your way over to the throne to inspect it, your curiosity pulling you to it like a magnet. The gold gleams in the sun rays, and reflects back and forth with the petals of the glossy petals of the asters surrounding you.

You run your fingers along the grooves and swirls in the engraved metal, and over both the polished and rough, crudely cut surfaces of the many jewels placed onto it. Some look ages old, while others look as if they had been mined in this very mountain, with no means of refining. You experimentally spring a hand on the red seat of the throne. Your eyes widen. It's so soft! You climb onto the huge throne (with some effort) and pet the seat while you sit giddily on it. You pretend you are a regal leader, ruling over the buttercups with an iron shovel.

It's magnificent in the thirty seconds your empire lasts before you get bored and realize you are acting embarrassingly childish.

you slide off the throne and plod over to one of the two doorways in the room. You have larger concerns than playing, such as finding food and water, or whatever else. You peer into the dark doorway. The thick inky blackness makes you hesitate, but you filled with determination to explore. Something sparkles in your peripheral vision, and when you turn to look there's a..hallucination from when you hit your head? It's a gold star, just hovering there at chest's height. It doesn't seem to be harmful. Curious, you reach out and touch it. Some sort of a strange sound echoes through the corridors.


The echoes fade out slowly, chinking around what must be vast empty hallways surrounding you.

Wow. This place is bigger than you thought.

You still feel tired, but the echoes leave you with wanderlust.

What will you do?


:Traverse the dark hallway❤️----------

:Traverse the grey stone hallways ❤️------------

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