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in which I think you know what's going on here ;)


I'm calling the shopkeeper bunny in this "Diane" Because somebody else did and we should be uniform about this lol


The white-furred king traversed across the slate-grey streets of the bustling monster city to and from the elevator, exchanging friendly greetings with the citizens he crossed paths with due to the embarrassing amount of wrong buttons he had pressed in his attempts to work the lift, eventually making his way down the serene Waterfall path in search of a monster whose abilities could assist the unusual problem on his paws. His furred feet padded silently along the grassed pathways as the soft chimes of the ancient, unrecognizable echos lilted through the air. The old king gazed about the glistening blue, crystal woven caverns as the plants accompanied the trickling water in an ever-present looping melody. The glowing heads of the delicate blossoms had passed the voices they had pulled from the cave's previous passerbys back and forth to each other for so long that they were now only filtered, chiming sounds. the old king sighed wistfully. Even the renowned flowers that bloomed here could not truly preserve the past.

Echoes of echoes of echoes...

A real, and very much alive voice hummed and cut through the old Monster's almost trance-like state.

"Hello, your majesty!" The purple furred rabbit chirped, "ain't it nice to see you out and about again!"

"Ah, Diane! Likewise." he nodded his head in greeting as his eyes lit up at the unexpected meeting. "It is a rarity to see you out of Snowdin. Whatever is the occasion?" He asked curiously.

"Just heading out to restock the old shop. shelves are gettin' a tad lonely." She lifted her scavenging basket slightly from her arm in gesture to it as she spoke. "Anythin' I can do ya for? Or are ya just walkin' around for walking's sakes?"

"There is one thing, although it isn't of utmost urgency.." he glanced to a crystal-coated waterbed in the corner, abashed. "Diane, have you, by any chance, heard word of a monster with teleportation type magic? I have found myself in a..unique need for one with such ability."

"Sure have! right around in Snowdin! keep an eye out for a skeleton fella and you'll find 'em in a jiffy."

He thanked her and the two continued on their ways, each with their own tasks to attend to.

the soft, seaweed grasses gave way to crunching snow as a haze of mist overtook the way, a result of the pleasantly cool, humid air shifting into the freezing dry conditions of the somehow still cozy town. The old king lifted his cape slightly when it began to drag in the snow as he made his way through the cloud of fog hanging over the entrance. Contrary to his passage through the magma oozing Hotlands, he found himself thankful for his thick fur coat.

The cozy, Giftmas light decorated town was laid out before him, monsters of all colors, shapes, and sizes ambling through the pale, fluffy snow in their daily routines they had developed within the cheery little settlement. One of such monsters being none other than the captain of his Royal Guard and informal student, Undyne, returning from what appeared to be some sort of meeting by the looks of the many armored canines following after her.

To his right was a fairly large house decorated with colorful, twinkling lights, further down a library, and a restaurant. The shopkeeper's instructions weren't specific enough to guide him further.

Where should he begin his search?

❤️ Bar

❤️ Nearby House

❤️ Village Square

❤️ Ask Undyne

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