Chapter 6

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Mika's POV

I see a beautiful glowing white light in front of me which is weird because I'm suppose to blind. As I make my way towards the dreamy light I hear two voices that sound so sweetly familiar. I look to my right and see two people that are wearing light whitish blue hooded robes with the hoods pulled over their heads. One of them steps forward and places their hand on my shoulder and I feel a sudden comfort I haven’t felt in so many years. I don’t know what to do but stand there looking at the hooded figure in front of me. The other step forward and says with a sweet voice that sounds like a melody in my ear,” Mika look at how much of a beautiful woman you turned out to be.”

“How do you know my name and do I know you,” I said with uncertainty in my voice?

“You don’t have to wary of us because we knew you for sixteen years of your life just we died a sudden death at the hands of Alpha Matthew. But we have watched over you ever since that horrific day,” said the one that had his hand on my shoulder. I wanted to start crying because I realized really who these sweet hooded people were.

“Mom, dad is it truly you,” I questioned?

“Well aren’t you a smart one you must have gotten that from your mother,” the one standing in front of me with his hand on my shoulder. After he said that they took off their hoods. Man don’t they look so majestic as ever but I have nothing to compare them to considering this is the first time I have ever seen what they look like. Mom has beautiful brown curly waist length hair and her forest green eyes. Dad has semi short black hair and his dark gray eyes. Now I know where I get my looks. God, how I’ve missed them so much.

“Well we don’t have much time to talk before we have to go, so we have something that we have to talk about,” my mom said sweetly.

“What do you mean go cant I go with you and be with you forever? I miss you so much.”

“ Mika it is not your time to go with us you have a life to live and a lot of people are depending on you like Bray, Rayne, Kyla, Sadie, Donae and a lot more people. There's a prophecy that includes                           you and your friends,” my dad said with a deep voice.

“How do you know about Bray?”

“We know everything that happens in your life remember we told you we have been watching over you,” my mom said. Than they go on to tell me that me, my friends, and other magical creatures are to fight the biggest evil and save our realm which confused me for a minute. Than they go on to tell me that there is other realms and that we all have to come together to save each realm. Wow the realms all count on all of us to save them. Well I’ve always been the kind of person that puts other ahead of myself so this will be no different I will do what I have to, to save every creature. Once they were done explaining all this to me they said it was time to go.

“Can't you stay a little while longer,” I asked?

“No, sweetheart its time for us to get back. Its time for you to return to your life and your friends as well as your mate. You have a realm to save my sweet little angel,” my mom said with tears in her eyes. They kiss my cheek and hug me then walk away. Than they vanish into the light that I guess I’m not ready to go into yet.

Everything is black now and I feel so weighed down and in extreme pain. I felt so light before. I feel so much pain that I don’t want to move so the pain will go away but it won't go away. My eyes start fluttering and they open and I sense that I’m in a strange place but some what familiar like I’ve been here before. I struggle to sit up and well I struggle to sit up I bump someone that is laying next to me I feel tingling in the spot that bump I just thought it was from all the pain or that part of my body was asleep. I feel the bed shift and I can sense that the person is sitting up now. I've smelt this person's scent before but I can't put my finger on who this person is.

The Runaway Rogues Book 1: Blind SidedWhere stories live. Discover now