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Disclaimer: we only own the plots of these stories. the outsiders belongs to s.e hinton. with that said, enjoy the story!- todd

there were some days where everyone could just live in peace, and today just so happened to be one of those days. and in the minds of ponyboy curtis and johnny cade, what better way to celebrate this day than to sing and dance along to the radio?

pony was having the time of his life and, while he wouldn't admit it, so was johnny. nothing, not even dally walking in on the two of them and cherry ruining the mood by horribly singing along to the radio while walking past the curtis house, could ruin this.

as pony continued prancing around the room like a madman, he slightly stumbled, knocking into johnny in the process. he was about to apologize when johnny looked at him and smiled. his teeth might've been slightly yellow, but it was a smile so pure, so happy, and just so johnny that pony couldn't help but grin back at him. they seemed to stay like that for a while before johnny turned away.

pony stopped and thought about the younger boy in front of him. he didn't know what exactly the reason was, but whenever he was around johnny, his heart seemed to beat faster and faster. out of everyone, johnny understood his problems. johnny was there for him when no one else was. he thought that the feeling of gratefulness he felt towards him was nothing but friendship. but just wasn't.

"hey you okay there buddy?" ponyboy winced on the inside. the word "buddy" hit him hard. right in the stomach. ponyboy nodded slowly and went to go sit on the couch. he didn't feel like singing or dancing anymore.

"yeah, i'm fine, heh," ponyboy chuckled softly, hoping that johnny would buy it. the couch sunk down a little, and johnny was at pony's side.

"that's a lie," johnny stated in a emotionless voice, crossing his legs so he was sitting indian style. "now you tell me what's wrong or I'll text someone on your phone that you love them," he then teased smirking, quickly snatching pony's phone from the table in front of them.

"hey gimme that!" ponyboy tried grabbing the phone from johnny's hand. but johnny wouldn't let him get it. seconds later and they were in the middle of wrestling for the phone. yet surprisingly, they found themselves having fun. the phone was soon forgotten about. it was just ponyboy and johnny having fun and enjoying each others company...that is, until they found the weird position they were in.

pony stared right into the grey abyss of johnny's eyes. both boy's faces were a little pink, like they had caught a cold. boy, he could just kiss him right now. he wished. staring longer just made pony realize that johnny looked a little uncomfortable, looking every place other than at pony.

"erm, s-sorry johnny, i'll get off," ponyboy climbed off his best friend, feeling ashamed at the situation. "great going pony, now the friendship will feel awkward and it's all your fault," he thought to himself sadly. he sighed, looking down at his hands when he felt a solid grip on his shoulder.

looking to his right, he was met with the face of his friend.

"i-it's fine," johnny said in a quiet, almost inaudible voice, still not meeting pony's eyes. he then awkwardly removed his hand from his shoulder and slipped the phone they were just fighting over into pony's hands.

pony stared at the phone in his hands, then looked back at johnny. the younger boy's hands were shaking slightly, possibly due to the cold air blowing in to the room, courtesy of the air conditioner. hesitantly, ponyboy reached for his best friend's right hand, gently holding it.

"johnny i, um, i need to tell you something," ponyboy stated shyly. johnny looked at him with a slight look of confusion, and pony almost forgot what he was going to say.

he gulped. what if his feelings weren't the same? what if johnny didn't like him back? was their friendship going to be ruined by this stupid little moment that pony started himself? maybe.

"ponyboy," johnny suddenly said in his usual quiet voice, making pony snap back into reality, "what's wrong?"

"huh? o-oh," pony started. it was now or never. and right now he wished it was never. "erm.." pony stuttered continuously before finally deciding to just man up. "look, johnny i...don't really know how to explain it but..when i'm with you, i feel...almost powerful. like i can conquer the world with you by my side. i can tell you anything, you're amazing to be around, and your smile makes my heart beat a mile a minute and-" pony stopped, catching his breath. "i'm trying to say that...i like you, okay?"

he earned a light gasp from johnny. ponyboy flushed a deeper pink and swiftly looked in the opposite direction. well, he did it. he finally confessed the feelings he had kept so long deep down in his stomach of butterflies. and the gasp? was that a good sign or a bad one? a part of him wanted to glance back up at johnny and actually see his reaction. but he didn't. too risky, he decided.

ponyboy started to shiver. he began getting a clammy feeling in his hands. this must've been how johnny felt earlier. but... the breeze died down. in fact, the breeze was barely there since the air conditioner was turned off. how did he feel this way if there was no breeze? come to think of it, there was no breeze earlier. then, what made him shake so bad?

oh who was he kidding, he knew why. he knew what would happen. he'd get rejected, he'd go home and cry in soda's arms, and johnny would never speak to him again. he was close to letting a tear out of his eye when he felt it. a hand clapped on his shoulder gently and a small pressure on his cheek. he liked in johnny's direction and saw that he was now fully pink-faced.

"i--" johnny whispered towards his lap, "i, uh, i oh geez. i l-like you too pony." pony could feel his heart bubbling now. his eyes were wide, his mind brewing with so many emotions he could never count them all. his adrenaline was picking up speed with every second. johnny seemed to only have the smallest and shyest smile on his face. gosh, he was so cute.

pony slowly placed a hand on johnny's warm cheek, almost as if he was made out of porcelain.

"close your eyes johnnycake," pony whispered softly. while nervous, johnny nodded slightly and closed them. pony slowly started leaning in closer to johnny, leaving only a slight amount of space between them. their lips connected in a soft and slow kiss, filled with emotion. it was as if time froze and they were stuck in this intimate and beautiful moment, just the two of them. pony never wanted this to end. yet, after what seemed like eternity, both boys pulled away, their foreheads touching.

"have ever told you that you're really pretty?" pony said completely out of the blue, smiling like crazy. johnny's face immediately turned a deep red. he started to stutter, trying to get words to escape his mouth in a response. and when he couldn't, his face only heated up even more. pony giggled softly, knowing johnny wasn't used to being called things like "pretty".

johnny cracked a little smile still a little embarrassed at his comment. both boys sat on the old living room couch, enveloped in a comforting silence.

"pony?" johnny asked, breaking the silence. "what does this make us? i mean, we both like each other. a lot, heh" johnny added, blushing again. "and we kissed, so..?"

"..lovers," pony smiled, but then quickly added stuttering, "o-only if you want to! we don't have to! i mean--"

johnny pressed his finger against pony's lips. "of course i want to pony." johnny grinned, pressing hid lips against pony's cheek and snuggling into his side.

pony smiled. his confession had gone well. better than well. fantastic. better than he could ever want it to go. he was satisfied.

word count: 1,294


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