First Day

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Im going to start off by creepypasta highschool. The video dose NOT belong to me, and i don't own creepypasta or the youtubers. - you already known that.

    (Y/n) pov.

    You were walking to Creepypasta highschool because you were forced to by Mr CreepsMcpasta and Puppet strings. (Blackmailed)

Flash back:

You were in class in till you heard
Miss (L/n) please come to the Principal office...

You sighed and thought to yourself what did I do this time?
While you heard oooooooo!
In the background. You turned around and said real mature Jacksepticeye, considering how retarded you are.

While as you said that and walked out of class, leaving the whole class laughing at Jacksepticeye. (Btw your friends with him but as a rival)

You arrived to the principal office.

You walked into the principal office without knocking.

"You didn't even knock", Puppet strings and CreepMcpasta said at the same time.

But you didn't give shit. (you thought in your head)

The principal told you to sit down on a chair, so that is what you did.

The principal started to speak,
"Ms. (L/n) I see that CreepMcpasta and Puppet strings have told me that you have interests in Creepypasta, I want you to study them, how are they like for Puppet strings and CreepMcpasta, so they work with them in the future.
So you  will be attending to Creepypasta highschool. If you do your grades will go up."

You looked over to Puppet Strings and CreepMcpasta smirking and you sighed. Then you looked back at the principal and said, "if I go to this school, and study them and stuff. My grades will go up."

The principal said to you, "That is correct Ms. (L/n)."

"Soooo, do i have to still go to this school?", you asked.(YouTube highschool)

He/she said, "Yes, once a week , but you can visit whenever you want, and you don't have to worry about your teachers." ( The principal is gay but I didn't know how to put it so I put he/she, if someone is reading this and is gay plz don't be offended I really have no clue)

You sighed in relief.

"Okay then", you said.

"Great you start school tomorrow and Slenderman already knows that your attending the school, and knows the reason to, the papers are already done, but the students don't know your a Youtuber.", the principal said.

That is great to hear! I would love to go to this school.(Sarcasm)

Flash Back ended.

Back to your pov.
    You were walking to Creepypasta highschool because you were forced to by Mr .CreepsMcpasta and Puppet strings. (Blackmailed to go to this school).

As you arrived at  the school, you went straight to Slenderman office.(Principal office).

You knocked on the door..
Slendy said, "Come in."

You went though the two big dubble doors.

You saw slendy at his desk sitting down. (How do you know what Slenderman look like because you beat the game as the other top youtubers.)

He began to speak, "Ms. (L/n) here  is your schedule and you will be attending one of the top classes."

You replayed back by just saying okay.

"I will you walk to your class, so you won't get lost.", Mr. Slendy said.

You replied back by saying, "Mkay."

You arrived to the class room number: 0

Mr. Slendy told you, "Stay out here until I call you in."
Slenderman walked in to the class room.Slenderman was explaining to the whole class that we have a new stundent.

So you looked at your schedule:
Period 1: class Zero
Period 2 : English/Social studies
Period 3 : Art class/drama class
Period 4 : computer class
Period 5 : MATH
Period 6 : Science
Period 7 : P.E
Period 8 : fighting class/help people controling there powers (T.A)

Creepypasta Highschool/Youtube Highschool. [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now