Childhoods #4

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A.N.- Hey everyone! I got bored so I wrote this. It's just more random childhood moments for Trace Saunders (My...Stepbrother?), Jude Tibbits (Friend Zoned/Changing Will), Kory Arnold-Saunders (My...Stepbrother?), Misha and Emma Redner (He's My Dork), and Phillip Brooks (The Fag Swag). If there's other characters you want me to do a childhood memory for in the future, just put them in the comments! :)


#1- Trace Saunders

                7 year old Trace Saunders pushed open the front door and let himself into his house. He pulled off his shoes and made his way into the kitchen.

                “Well that’s not good enough Laura!” Brandon Saunders snapped.

                “Someone in this family has to work!” Laura Saunders snapped back.

                Brandon opened his mouth to yell more, but snapped it shut as he noticed Trace. His face paled, and he just prayed that the boy hadn’t heard much of that argument.

                “Hey Trace!” he said brightly, regaining his composure.

                “Hi,” Trace said, pulling the refrigerator open and pulling out a juice box.

                “How was Sammy’s house?” Brandon asked.

                “It was okay,” Trace said with a shrug. “His little brother kept getting in the way.”

                “His brother Tommy? Well, he’s only 3 years old. He doesn’t mean to get in your way,” Brandon said.

                “Whatever,” Trace said, turning to head upstairs.

                “Trace, wait!” Brandon called.

                Trace stopped and turned to face his dad. He kept his expression neutral as he sipped on his juice box.

                “Don’t go upstairs yet, buddy. I want to hear more about this sleepover you guys had. It was you, Sammy, Zeke, and Davey, right? Tell me about what you guys did,” Brandon said.

                “Sammy got this new video game,” Trace said, excitement finally breaking through his blank expression. “It was so cool, dad! You got to shoot these zombies and-”

                “Trace, I am trying to work. I’ve had a long day, and you’re being way too loud. Be quiet!” Laura snapped at him.

                Trace’s face fell. He swallowed hard and forced his expressions back off his face until it was neutral again.

                “Okay,” he said, his voice hard. Excitement was annoying. He knew that by now.

                He turned and went upstairs, ignoring his father as he yelled after him. Trace sank down at the top of the stairs, gripping his juice box.

                “Laura, don’t you see what you’re doing to him? He’s shutting down because of you!” Brandon cried angrily. “He’s your fucking son! Act like a parent!”

                “Brandon, I don’t have time to listen to him talk about some stupid video games!” Laura said furiously.

                Trace set his juice box down and pulled his knees up to his chest. He wanted to cover his ears. He hated it when they yelled at each other, and they had been doing it a lot lately. His dad rarely used bad words, but he heard his mom use them a lot.

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