The Lousiest Flower

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As the birds covered with blue feathers begin chirping at the window, a girl gently rubs her eyes and looked at the singing birds. Fascinated by the sound, she moved her head accordingly to the melody conveyed by the flying creatures. As she feels relief and calmness, she took off the blanket covering her body and slowly approached the singing birds but before she knew it, they already flew away.

Seeing those, she walked and entered the bathroom to clean herself up. Removing the leather tied to her hair, it dropped in harmony with her long, white, curly strands. She then takes off her long, white pajamas along with her underwear and ploddingly laid herself down the tub of water.

Caressing every part of her body, she then stands up and covered her white skin with a towel to dry herself. As she gets out of the bath, she opens one black drawer to get her black skirt, another drawer for her immaculate white uniform and another one for her pink underwear. The girl drops the towel covering her body and starts wearing her clothes for her class. Before she left her room, she reached for her wand that emits magic whom every individual dreamt to do from the very start. With the wand in her hands, she runs out of her room and closes the door to attend her school.

She is Blanche Fleur le Verania de la Souriet. Some call her Blanche, but to many, she is "The Rotten Flower".

Blanche runs down the stairs and enters the room full of students who are studying wizardry and alchemy. The academy is named as "Cres Academy for Wizardy and Alchemy". The name Cres is the name of their town which is located inside the city of Terania in the world of Archania. Their language is known as Archanese.

Blanche Fleur walks and takes a sit in her chair while waiting for her teacher. And at that time, a tanned girl sits beside her and greets her.

"Good morning, Rotten Flower." the girl said with a smile of annoyance and with that, Blanche smiles weirdly and greets her too.
"Same, Prunes." Blanche then looks away.
"Prunes?! I have my own name. I am Prunella Carmelite von Pierrepont." the girl introduced herself to Blanche. She has a big bust size that can get any man he wants.
"I know. You addressed me with a name so I'll address you one, too!" Blanche shouted exactly the teacher arrived.

"Alright. I wish that there will be no ruckus on the first meeting this season, clear? Miss Souriet and Miss Pierrepont?" the teacher announced.
"Yes. Sorry sire Fremont." both Blanche and Prunella apologized and it was accepted by Mr. Kristofferson vi Fremont. Mr. Fremont always has an old staff with him and it is his wand. His blue robe and black, long hair suits him perfectly.

Without new students attending, Mr. Fremont started discussing about the elements of the magic in the world of Archania. As Fremont explains, there are 7 different types of elements; the Earth Element, Water Element, Fire Element, Wind Element, Light Element, Dark Element and the Physical Element that each of them has their own uniqueness and weakness per element. As Fremont further elaborates, he mentioned the types of wizards.

There are also 7 types of wizards just like the elements. The first one is the Single Wielder Wizards that has only one element, Dual Wizards with two elements, TriForce Wizards with three elements, Quax Wizards with four, Pentagon Wizards that has five, Hex Wizards with six and the Grand Magus that has all elements. Unfortunately, the teacher also pointed out that only a few wizards can control all the elements of wizardry and those wizards died thousands of years ago.

"Are there any questions regarding to the elements?" Mr. Fremont asks while looking for somebody to raise their hands and spotted a guy. "Yes, Mr. Gagner?"
Mr. Gagner stands up. "Sir, is there a possibility that a certain individual cannot have an element?" then looks at Blanche. Everyone notices it and laughs.
"Quiet. Hmm. The only possibility is that you won't get a magical element if you're a proletarian simply because you cannot afford to study wizardry and alchemy unless you're a magnate." Fremont answered and Gagner thanks his teacher then takes his seat.
"If there are no more questions, we will now tackle the basics of wizardry." no one reacts so Fremont started talking about the easy parts of magic. Fremont reaches for his pocket to pick up three pebbles and puts it at his desk.

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