Dirty Harry Styles imagine bad boy

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Harry POV:

I couldn't move,talk or anything for that matter. I just stood there wide eyed still holding her hand as she tried to hold back her sobs. "I'm so s-sorry" she said in between sobs. This made me snap out of the state I was in, this wasn't her fault. "No, No this is your fault. That night wasn't even your idea. And every time we...you know..." I trailed off seeing (Y/BFF/N) ease dropping. "I'm the one use protection." I finished. She was still breathing but now with one hand on her stomach. "If anything it's my fault."


I can't take care of a child, we can't take care of a child. "Look, we're actual living what most people dream of" he stated. I gave him a well deserved confused look. "We fell in love in high school, we got married and now we're having a kid. We should be thrilled." He said pulling me into a hug. "I love you" "I love you too" he replied. "Umm, not to reck the moment or anything, but if you guys aren't talking anymore can you both go home." (Y/BFF/N) said. I rolled my eyes, walked to and got in the car with Harry. "Were do we start?" Harry asked "what do you mean?" "I mean with the baby. Names, ultrasounds, baby clothes oh and maternity clothes an-" "how about we start by going home?" I interrupted. "Oh sure"


Harry POV:

I did get a good amount of sleep, but I did get up early to do some research about pregnancy,then went straight making us breakfast. I guess (Y/N) was woken up by the smell because seconds after finishing she was walking down the stairs. "Hey baby" I said giving her a peck. "Morning." She said sitting down. "I've been thinking can we name the baby Darcy" "and what if its a boy." "Then we'll figure out when we get an ultrasound" "Harry I think your getting way too int- wait how do you know all this stuff?" I shrugged. "But I do know your getting one pretty soon."

If its not obvious I'm at a huge writers block with this story and I'm ending it soon. I'd say 2 or 3 more parts until its over but do really hope you enjoyed my first one and Byyyyyyeeeeeeeee💘💘💘💘💘💘

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