Dirty Harry Styles imagine bad boy

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Harry POV:

Today was the day me and (Y/N) were getting married. I'm going to puke. No wait I'm going to pass out. No wait I'm going to- "you'll be fine" my mum said cutting into my thoughts. My breathing was uneven and I'm shaking like crazy. "What if she decides that she doesn't want this because her parents don't? I mean they're not even here." "You'll be fine. You love her and she loves you that's all that matters." She spoke calmly. "Can you go check on her to see if she's ok." I asked. She nodded her head and left the room. I tried to get a grip on some air as I ran my fingers through my curls. "Calm down harry" I muttered to myself.

(Y/N) POV:

I needed someone. Everything was wrong. Like on cue Harry's mum walked. I basically fell into her arms. "What's wrong?" "Everything, my dress is too tight, my shoes are to big, my hair isn't the style I asked for and my face looks like the joker." I said trying to talk past the tears. She engulfed me in a hug. "Honey, the dress looks fine nobody will see your shoes and we can fix your hair and make-up." She said giving me a sympathetic look. I nodded sitting down. "How's Harry?" I asked in a worried tone. "He's fine" I could tell she was lying. "Does he not want to get married?" "of course he does he's just afraid you won't but we have other things to worry about ok" I nodded letting her fix the monstrosity that was my face.

Harry POV:

Now I wait for (Y/N) to walk down the isle so I can see her. For what felt like ages I waited, until I saw the doors open. She was truly stunning, Liam leaned over my shoulder and whisper. "Your a lucky one mate." As she walked. Today she was officially mine. When she got to alter I was damn near crying. The dress was perfect on her it hugged her body in all the right ways. I blanked out until I heard (Y/N)'s vows. "You see me in the best ways even though I see myself at my worse. Your always going out of your way make me happy and now it's my turn I will always love and care about you no matter what." "You gave me a chance and made me a better person. You taught me what love is, I can't imagine what a horrible life I would have without you. Your my everything and I need you." Now the tears were streaming. All I could look at was her beautiful face. The last thing I remember before having her lips crash into mine was saying "I do". The rest was history especially what happened afterwards. We're fresh out of high school and married to the love of my life. Maybe their is such thing as a happy ending.

It's not over yet I still have a couple more ideas swimming around in my head. So stay tuned. Byyyyyeeeeeeee💚💚💚💚💚💚

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