Dirty Harry Styles imagine bad boy

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(Y/N) POV:

This moment was perfect, I liked laying down and being lazy with Harry. That is until my phone rang. "Hello" "WHERE ARE YOU!! YOUR NOT AT ELEANOR'S HOUSE!!!!!!!" my mom screamed through the phone. "Relax I left her house yesterday, I'll be back tomorrow" "NO I WANT YOU BACK HERE RIGHT NOW WHERE. ARE. YOU?!!!!" "STOP SCREAMING" I yelled in response. "Don't you ever talk to me that way. Where are you so I can pick you up and take you home." she demanded. "I CAN GET HOME ON MY OWN!!!" I screamed before hanging up and laying back down. "Everything ok?" Harry asked putting his arm around me and chin on my shoulder. "I need to go home now" I said bummed out. "Sure, get dressed and we can go" he said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

Harry POV:

We were so close to a perfect weekend, hey, life isn't a fairytale. I tried not to look as bummed out as her but when she went to go take a shower all the felling came. I never wanted to be home so badly, I wanted to start punching holes in the wall again. I don't tell a lot of people because they'll think I have anger issues... I do but not uncontrollable. I don't want her to think I'm a monster or even a bad person she was important to me.


Still Harry POV:

I could feel that she was staring at me "what" I asked looking at her for a moment then putting my eyes back on the road. "It's just I feel like we know nothing about each other" she said still looking at me. My smile fell, I honestly didn't want her to know about my past. "I'll go first if it makes you feel better" she said giving me a sympathetic look. I nodded my head, "wow where to start" she began. "For almost all my life I was the 'perfect' little girl never broke the rules and always got good grades. I never talked to anyone, then again nobody liked me so it didn't matter, but I cared too much of what people thought about me. The middle school graduation dance was what made me who I am today. I was asked to the dance and I was so excited, turns out it was a big joke to get me from going, he never came to pick me up. From that point on I decided to change, get more confidence And my dad hated it. He thought me changing was a way of saying I was growing up, and it was but he didn't take it as lightly as my mom. He started yelling at me more and I started saying I hate you more often. And here I am today still hating my dad. Your turn" she said making think a lot about what she said. "If your not ready that's fine with me" she said giving me a blank stare.

(Y/N) POV:

If he wasn't ready I didn't mind, I wanted him to know me first because I was ready I need to give him the same justice. "I have a question" he said still looking at the road. "Ask away" I said still pondering over my brief life story. "Why me." He asked plainly. "What is life if we don't take chances? This one was one of those times your glad you took one." I stated wisely. I could tell we were almost home. Turning on the street we lived on, I felt the life get sucked out of me. Most definitely when I saw my mom and dad standing on the front lawn waiting for me to arrive.

Thank you for over 400 reads. I can't thank you enough because this first time I posted I was excited about 10 reads but 423 is truly amazing. I hope you all genuinely enjoy my stories because without you I wouldn't be writing. Thank you your beautiful and byeeeeee💟

Dirty Harry Styles imagine bad boyWhere stories live. Discover now