(Brandon) the bully

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Name: Brandon mat

Age: 16
Personally: strong, fearless, overprotective, fast, and smart

Likes: you, fighting, working out, bulling people, feeling loved by you, cussing with you, and animals

Dislikes: people hurting you, boys hang out with you, you leaving, not feeling loved, boys flirting with you, and fake girls.

As I was walking down the hallway of the school. I went locker as I was getting my stuff out of my locker I was push against the looker. I look up to see Brandon "hey, shorty what do u got there" he said snatching the the book that had memories of my parents and yeah my parents died in a car accident. "Please give it back" I said. He smirk and rip it up. I started to cry. Then I saw his eyes soften. " T-that was the m-memories o-of my p-p-parents" I said while crying.
I ran "Y/N COME BACK, I AM SORRY" he said yelling as he ran after me. I ran outside into the woods. I hid behind a tree and cried I pull my knees to my chest and hid my face into my legs. Then I felt someone put me in there lap. I look up to see him "LET ME GO YOU JERK"I yelled. He just hug me. But then he kiss me. I kissed back " Y/N the only reason I bullied you is because I loved u and I thought that's how you show it" he said " Y/N will u go out with me and if u say no I will cry everyday" he said and started to tear up. I kissed him again and hug him " yes Brandon I will go out with you" I said smiling I hug him and he hug back even tighter. The rest of the day we hang out.

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