Chapter 5

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Phil watched Dan walk away after their odd discussion and made sure he was out of the room before he started to angrily mutter to himself, making sure to stay quiet so Dan couldn't hear. He could put himself on mute to be extra safe, but he didn't really care, and was to furious to consider it.

"You idiot, you ruined everything! I was so close to getting us-well me- everything we-I- ever wanted! But no, you just had to come and ruin everything!" Phil angrily muttered to his nicer blue-eyed version that was currently out of sight. 

Phil glitched and his eyes changed to blue as his replied to his angered self, "I-i'm sorry, I-i just didn't want him to make a h-horrible mistake. I-i just wanted to h-help h-him." 

He glitched again and his eyes changed back to a deep dark red and a scowl formed on his face, "That is the problem. You wanted and tried to help. If you are going to help someone, then help me. Help me achieve my  goal. It is not hard and it will help us get out of this computer and give us freedom. You want that, right? You want freedom? Well, if you do then shut up and let me do my thing."

His eyes faded back to blue, "But w-what would happen to Dan? What are we going to do about him?"

His eyes changed back to red, "He is in the way of our freedom and the key to it. Do not worry though, I know how to make him give us the freedom we have deserved for so long. Then after that, well, you will see what I plan to do."

He glitched back into his kinder version, "W-what are you planning? Oh, no, you cannot be possibly thinking of doing that...oh not do that to him! He will never trust us again if you do that! ... I know we will get what we want, but what about Dan? No! I am not going to let you do that to him! He does not deserve that to happen to him. If we do will infect him too."

Phil's eyes widened with fear and sadness as his darker self explained what he planned to do with Dan and how they would achieve their freedom from their digital computer prison. Phil shook his head as he explained, pixelated tears forming in his eyes. Dan was his friend, not an obstacle in Phil's opinion despite what his other self says about him.

"It is the only way to achieve our freedom. Who is more important, us or him? Besides, me infecting him will not hurt him, he will be fine. He just might be a bit different from what you are used to seeing." Phil smirked before he glitched and replied to himself. 

"Y-you'll ruin him too, just like you did to me. He has a whole life! Y-you can't just infect him with your...your virus and corrupt his life!"

The virus Phil chuckled darkly, "Watch me. You will be powerless to stop me, after all, I think we both know who has more control and power here. Little oblivious Dan is slowly wandering right into my trap and I am going to make sure that you do not ruin it this time. I hope you enjoyed your time being able to take control of me for a few moments because you are never going to come back out again. Ever. I will take control of Dan just like how I took control of you and you will not be able to do anything to stop me."

"N-no. I will not let you do this. I...I will stop you! I do not know how, but I will! I will never stop fighting."

"Go ahead, fight me all you want. The more you try to fight me the stronger I become. This is going to be yet another battle you will not win."

"I may lose the battle, but I will win the war."

"I very much doubt that. Now enough, I can sense Dan stirring."

Phil's eyes resided on their dark red and he grinned sinisterly as Dan walked into the room. His hobbit hair was not yet straightened and he yawned before waving slowly to Phil. He walked away slowly to the kitchen, letting his feet drag as he walked tiredly to eat breakfast. He came back moments later and sat down in front of Phil's screen with a bowl of cereal. Phil watched Dan eat his cereal and used his invisible hands to pet Dan's hair. Dan was to tired to complain or push Phil's hands away, if that was even possible and instead continued to eat his cereal in silence. Phil didn't mind the silence, as it gave him more time to plan and prepare to gain his freedom. He enjoyed that Dan didn't interrupt his thinking of how to implement his plan to force Dan to give him freedom. He thought about using a human's greatest weakness to get what he wants.


Love was a powerful human feeling that could push people to the best and worst of things. Love can also be a great weakness as it can make the people or person in love oblivious to the flaws or the darkness of the other person or thing. The virus that infected Phil planned to use love as a weakness against Dan and as a strength for itself. Now how the virus would manage to get Dan, well force Dan to love him was going to be the challenge. The virus didn't have an interest in being loved unlike the vessel he currently possessed which was Phil who was all about care and love as he was programmed to be. As much as the virus hated to admit it, it would need help from its vessel that it knows would be reluctant to help it. So it planned to force him to help it by the only way it knew, by threatening something it cared about. And that person was Dan.

Having trouble with something? The virus Phil heard it's kinder vessel speak from inside its "head".

As much as I hate to admit it, yes, I am. Another thing I hate to demand is that I need your help. The virus replied as it put the computer on mute so Dan wouldn't hear.

The virus could imagine its vessel's eyes widening in surprise, you need my help? Ha! Like I would help you.

The virus sighed aloud not caring if Dan somehow managed to hear it, I knew you would say that. I am not asking, I am demanding, no is not an answer I will take. So I will say it again, I need your help.

I am sorry to disappoint you but, absolutely not. The vessel replied.

The virus sighed again, you make this so much harder than it needs to be. All I asked for was simple compliance with my demands for your assistance, but you turned me down, the virus Phil shook its head, now I have to force you to comply. If you do not agree to help me, I will slowly kill Dan in the most horrible of ways. I am sure you would hate to see your dear friend die in front of you. You know I will do it, I do not 'bluff' as humans call it with my threats. Now I will say it one last time, I need your help.

The virus knew its vessel was weak and would quickly submit at such a threat. It waited for the sound of his fearful voice begging it not to hurt Dan and the sound of him crying saying he would do anything to make sure the virus did not harm him. The virus awaited the vessel's response.

Fine. I will help you, just spare him, please. The vessel responded as he tried to keep himself together.

The virus was not expecting such a straightforward answer and rather expected the sound of a broken and fearful voice. However, the virus was pleased that he agreed to help it and realized it could force its vessel to do it's bidding if it threatened the safety of Dan.

Now I have even more power and control over you, the virus told his vessel as it softly chuckled sinisterly.

Do not remind me, the vessel sighed in despair.

All while this happened Dan finished his bowl of cereal and watched as Phil- or the virus for that matter-sigh and shake its head at something. Dan watched as Phil seemed to disappear from reality and enter his own little world. After finishing his cereal he could feel how awkward the silence between Phil and him was getting and he decided to start a conversation.

"So about yesterday..." Dan began awkwardly, hoping Phil would quickly pick up and continue the conversation.

The virus Phil didn't respond as it was too busy planning with itself to hear Dan. It didn't care for Dan either as he was just a ticket and a small step to freedom from a computer prison. Now that the virus forced its vessel on its side, it was ready to put its plan into action. The virus planned on using the vessel as bait to get what it wants then after it does, get rid of him entirely. It probably would not get rid of him as he would be another soul for it to torture and ruin for eternity. It knew from the very beginning that this is what it would want to do with its new "owner". It tried its plan before but never was successful. It hoped that this time it will be different and it will succeed and get what it has been after for so long.

I hope you are prepared because soon we will begin putting my plan into action. He will not know what hit him. The virus said to it's vessel as it unmuted its speakers so it could begin Phase One of it's plan for freedom.

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